Losing Weight After 50 My #1 SECRET
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Join me as I share my journey of losing 12 pounds and 12% body fat using unconventional strategies tailored for women facing midlife changes like perimenopause and menopause. Discover how I stopped dieting, changed my exercise routine, reduced stress, and considered hormone replacement therapy to create a more sustainable and enjoyable approach to health and weight management. Let's get real about what works for us!
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Hi Chalene, I really appreciate your videos full of your personal experience and knowledge! I would like to know if in your Phase It Up program do you have workouts videos to follow all the days of the weeks and similar of other videos that you have here in your YT channel. For example whole routines for upper body, llwer body, etc. Thank you so much and keep up shinning!
Do you have an app to use? How long are the workouts?
Thank you Chalene 🏋
20:25 Start with proteins and greens, relax intermittent fasting rules, and focus on reducing stress and insulin to lose weight after 50.
I have joined phase up but when I try to play while I walk, and my phone is on my pocket, it stops after a couple of minutes. I thought it was a data issue, so I tried a RUclips video but it worked. So I am not sure why I can't have access to the guided walks. Do you have any suggestions, please?
10 minute glider
What she said…..
1. Stop ✋ dieting.
2. Eat lean protein, fiber, veggies. 🥦
3. Just walk, walk after meals.
4. Be active, move throughout the day.
5. Make a list of things that stresses you out, eliminate stress.
6. Dropped the rules- enjoy life.
7. Free yourself-(Intermittent Fasting, eat when you feel hungry, listen to your body) Don’t restrict yourself. Reduce stress to lose weight.
You’re welcome ☺️
Thank you!
Bless you 🙏🏽 sometimes there's not enough time in my day for 39 min videos. I love you Chalene, but sometimes I don't have the time.
Also drink black coffee ☕️! Plain. I swear it calms me down.
yah and your forgetting she says she takes hormone therapy and uses ozempic lolol you forgot to mention that lol
Thank you
At 57, I want to look good, but accept that I will never look as good as I did at 30. I still take care of myself but I've passed the torch to the "youngens" and I am ok with that. I can't do the stress of trying to stay the same as I was. The last thing I want is to be an older woman trying to pass for half my age. I exercise, walk all the time, eat whole foods(with a sweet snack here and there). I'm just not chasing 25 or 35 or even 40 anymore. I am content, I am loved, and I am grateful and happy every day. I'm ok with aging and I'm trying to slide into it gracefully.
I’m happy for you friend!!💕💕
Good for YOU! ❤️
I want to lose my thickness! I do all the things and starting to think my bhrt estrogen is too high- which causes fat retention . What is your optimal e level?
I look better and feel ten times better at 56 than I ever did in my 30s after switching to carnivore. I’m active but not exercising much.
At 18 we get a desk job, yay, work sitting till our mid sixties, argh, all the time we are stressing out in every aspect of our lives. No sunlight, not enough walking, high cortisol, leads to high blood sugar. And we ask why we aren't doing so well. Also we aren't making any time away enjoying nature. Thank you for this video. Walk, and walk some more. Ignore the rules, another good idea. Enjoy life and friends. 🎉 There isn't any perfect way to do any of this. Thanks for making use contemplate Balance. ⚖️
This was me! Thank you for sharing! Now. Ladies. Please share with the younger women in your life! We can talk about this. We must support each other with information. Share this. I sure wish someone had told me before I went crazy trying to figure out why all of a sudden I was turning into a pear. Love each other.
You know what has lowered my cortisol? Watching this episode. Thank you 🙏🏻
Oh that's so touching!! I appreciate that so much!
@@chalenejohnson Me too. I want to slug these doctors assuming I'm overeating when I'm not. I exercise as much as I can but the joint pain is really bad sometimes. I use GoLo herbs, Input together due to cost. If you don't know her, check out Carmen Del Of'ecio who is in her 90s still modeling,Gavin sex, etc. Thanks for this video. I did two hrs exercise in morning and walked home from work. I was maintaining my body but not losing weight. I found out hypothyroid after 50. I'm doing all I can but doctors are rude, telling me to hire dietician when my Mom is a Nutritionist. I take Estroven Weight Management to help with hot flashes. I have to eat more protein. I was basically told to be anorexic by doctors.
So true!!!
I finally started losing weight after menopause by starting low dose Testosterone treatment! What a game changer! I have more energy, a lot less inflammation.
T works! Very hard to find docs who will give it to women. Took me years to find a good certified menopause practitioner who worked with me- each person is unique. I was a healthy weight but when I lost all my T in menopause, I was almost non-functional in many areas, had all symptoms of low T. Once I started T, all good within weeks! Need the right balance of all hormones- worth the effort.
Has the testosterone caused any hair loss?
This nice lady looks like a movie star, I just wann lose this etra 15 lbs and exercise without pain. What low dose testosteronr? Pill? Shot? Details?
Doctors think your lying when you say you workout and eat healthy. People see you and think you’re greedy or lazy when you likely eat healthier than them and workout more and harder than them. The beginning of this video alone deserves a 👍🏾 ❤️
So true people and your doctor think we are greedy and lazy
It’s sooooo true!! Then I started gas lighting myself. We deserve so much better research and medical support !
Brilliant! Excellent info! Been teaching fitness for 35 years, quit 2019, only walk now 2x per day 30-60 minutes ( no rules), eat whole food whenever I feel like it, and I am healthy, thinner, lighter than ever, no hrt,. Preach Charlene, you help so many woman!!!
If your doctor doesn’t believe you (that you exercise & eat healthy) then it’s time to get a new doctor.
That!’s what I did.
I have truly spent the last 3 months stopping the insanity. I am walking and lifting weights, and I am starting to feel better. I also have had to stop being around people who are so bound up to all of these stressful rules. No more! I will be 50 in December. I want to enjoy my life!!!!
I'll be 50 in December too... Yayy to us!🥳
I love this so much! I am sure you'll feel so much better once you hit 50!😘
50 in January 😊
Well done! After making this decision, eating out with other women is frustrating. Some men, too. The comments about dieting and “being good” are so unnecessary.
Life is good. I was in the Army for 20ys retired at 38 started a 2nd career 39/40 diagnosed with stage 3 boob cancer...got through it, surviving and loving life. I say running is for the young, silly ones 😉 I was introduced to Chalene in piyo...I love sculpt! I am now 56 seeing my body/skin feeling looking different I know I must eat protein and get into weight trng (the thing I have always disliked- weights) I want to do do sculpt again, it felt good/weights walk and just control my stress & love me, my daughter & grandkids...my life is good 💗
Yes sister! Nearly 25 pounds gone off this 51 year old 5'2 frame since march because I stopped being a stress monster calorie deficit controlling person. Daily walks with hubby have been amazing.
I love this so much! ❤️❤️❤️
Same age. Same height. It's tough! I have stayed 130 all these years and this summer started napping and staying 140. Ugh! Keep up the walks!
I have never gained weight easily. But in the three years leading up to menopause, which I didn’t realize was about to happen, I gained 50 pounds. It was shocking and NOTHING reversed it. I have really had to up my self love game. ❤
Truth! 56 now and used to teach fitness classes for 35 years, quit in 2019, and now walk 2x per day for 30-60 minutes (no rules!). I have eaten whole foods with daily treats for 30 years and haven't changed in the diet department, am not on HRT, couldn't tolerate the progesterone, no more inflammation, I'm much lighter, agile, flexible, thinner, and feel amazing. So grateful to be in better shape and look better than ever. No more marshmallow fluff. Trust the process and everything Chalene says in this video is spot on! Thank you, Chalene!
Hi from Prague!😊 Could you please tell me why you could not tolerate the progesteron..I am trying the transdermal estradiol and progesteron now ( 51yrs) ..and I put on 4 kg in three months, diet the same, lifting weights 3 times a week, 1x week cardio..I work out so hard ( enyoing it totaly) but the results are gone since I am on HRT..progesteron cannot take oraly ( bad mood, irritation) so I take it localy ..what was your trouble with this hormone? Thank you for your sharing and excuse my English, Gabi
@@gabrielasekerkova6106 Progesterone made me extremely tired, groggy, and brain fog at all doses and forms. Didn't matter what time of day, dose, or application, I felt really awful on it.
61 used to teach fitness trying all different things to lose weight great to hear the things I am trying may work
I love long walks and bicycle rides and realize you can eat anything it’s all really about portion control and weight lifting is important
Oh wow! Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey! I love how you're feeling and looking amazing without following strict rules! Keep up the great work!
@@gabrielasekerkova6106 I am now 69 years young, but back in my early 50's I went on bio-identical hormones, which helped me so much then, but the progesterone was quite tricky for me. I used to tell my nurse practitioner I just can't take it every day. It makes me tired and grumpy! So I had to adjust my dosage accordingly until i stopped using it.
At 43, went on Bio-Identical Hormones, best decision I made, I should have gone on them even earlier but that’s okay. My hair stopped falling out like crazy in about 2 weeks of starting HRT! I started sleeping better, like I used to before the hormone decline, I started feeling “normal” again…
I eat mostly raw vegan, and it changed my life for the better… I do eat fish once in a while, and some cooked foods once in a while. It’s been a blessing, I don’t crave pies, cakes, cookies, chips anymore!
I do indulge a bit when I’m at a party or out somewhere, I may take a bite of someone’s garlic bread or have a spot of crème brûlée, it doesn’t give me the same buzz it used to…and THAT makes me feel so good that my body/mind has changed.
Eating large amount of fruits, veggies, nuts/seeds, healthy fats, sprouted lentils, micro greens etc… all that leaves little room in my life for all the “bad” food. But again, if I want to eat some fries once in a while, I don’t derive myself, I will eat a salad prior to eating them, and then have a small portion of fries and enjoy the crap out of them. And I don’t gain any weight or have any adverse effects from this way of life…
Just amazing!
I’m almost 36 but I packed on weight over the last year and a half after my home flooded, my father passed, my husband was away with the military and my youngest was diagnosed with autism. It’s been ROUGH! I barely recognize myself 😢
Girl! I’m so sorry! What an incredibly stressful year for you! Without any labs, I am willing to bet my life savings that your cortisol went through the roof. You are in the range where many women also begin to experience early signs of perimenopause. It’s crazy how the body keeps the score when we’re under a great deal of pressure, I am praying that you find some relief this year. And I’m so sorry for your loss.
Carbs and sugars in any form are like the devil...gurl run from them as best as you can...keep your insulin levels low but you have to research every single thing you put in your mouth to ensure it does not have sugar...juice is a culprit including pizza, soda, wheat based bread, white rice etc etc...get that protein in with every meal
Sending you (((hugs)))
So sorry for your loss. My suggestion is dancing. It helped me when I was suffering. ❤
I’m sorry for your loss, My youngest son has autism as well , I know the stress that comes along with the diagnosis. I’m praying for you ❤
I’m a certified health coach and was in good shape until menopause when I put on 30 pounds. I’ve been trying for 3 years doing everything I know and haven’t been able to lose a single pound. It’s very discouraging. I can relate to this video. I also appreciate you showing your before photo, because I tend not to believe you when you say you gained weight. 😉
Have you tried HRT? nothing worked for me until I started on a estrogen patch and progesterone.
@loneranger7573 How long did it take to be Effective?🤔 I've been on it nearly a month and still, no relief...
I think a lot of us can relate. It's tough dealing with this stuff. Especially with so much misinformation out there.
Me too....finally had the needle move when I stopped intermittent fasting and ate more carbs and started a 4 month detox.
I’ve said this before and can’t emphasize enough. Variety is key. One day to HIIT, one day do low impact weights. Always get dead lifts in and keep that back nice and strong. Skip a day. But do try to get a real good walk every day. AND!! Invest in very good walking shoes. Ones that stop pain in the heels, ankles, lower back. And stretch those hips. Always. Never skip a post workout hip stretch.
I couldn’t agree more with your suggestions! Variety, good shoes, and stretching are all essential. Thanks for sharing!
i am 58 yrs old, been doing carnivore for 222 days and jump on the rebounder. Lost 35 lbs and need to lost 14 more. I to had to change the diet things.... this is our way of eating and we love it. Husband has lost over 72 lbs and he feels great. We both dont have any more inflammation, we can get up and go faster then when we were in our 30's.... We feel great again!
What kind of meat are you eating? Organic or grocery store?
@@patriciaallan8278 grocery. I really don’t like the organic meat. You can have eggs and bacon also
@@annettemonty7350 thank you!
High-five! 50 yo here, carnivore as well, sometimes add a little fruit. Love it! Just started rebounding as well.
I’m 40 days in . Hard but know it’s worth it
"Enough already!"
Could not agree more. I also had to turn off all the noise, podcasts, influences who are constantly trying to uplevel. It is more stress trying to constantly check all the boxes which is so counterintuitive! Finally... someone said it aloud! ❤
AMEN!!! like it can seriously drive you nuts and unfortunately that meant limiting time with friends who are still caught up in all of it! It’s tooooo much
I agree 😫
This is how I feel 😅 I’m exhausted. And I see all these women on instagram doing all this stuff and I feel like I’m failing because I can’t keep up! I feel like I can literally FEEL my cortisol levels spike when I’m thinking all this and listening. So this was music to my ears to hear.
I am 66, long since past menopause, and am a kickboxer heading toward 2nd Dan. However, I have arthritis and am short in height - and every pound shows! But this video really spoke to me, thank you. I have started to gain weight again - mostly due to burn out after a long period of discipline. It HAS been stressing me out. Some people have commented here that they don't have time to listen to a long video and only want the facts. It was your delivery that had the biggest impact for me. Someone also said 'nothing we haven't heard before' 🙄 well, knowing the path is not the same as walking the path.
Thank you so much for your kind words! I am so impressed that you are heading towards 2nd Dan in kickboxing while managing your arthritis! It seems that you’ve already established discipline, but since it’s starting to burn you out, it might be time to stop stressing about the rules. Stay strong and keep moving forward-you’ve got this!
@@chalenejohnson Thank you!
It's great to find some real information for once.
Thank you for sharing. This has helped me. I'm 55 and 8yrs into hormone change, at 47 I started taking HRT. I have started getting fuller around my waist after being very lythe for most of my life. I've recently reduced carbs and eating more protein. After going through a breakup recently my stress levels were sky high, and sleeping lots with constant lethargy not moving around a lot. The other day I remembered your previous walking video, so yersterday I got myself outside in the sun and walked 12,000 steps. I felt so much better afterwards and like I'd achieved something!! Thank you I will continue🚶☀️🌈⚡
I'm sorry about the struggles you went through but I'm glad you started taking more steps! You are doing great! Keep it up! 🙌🏼
Because I still need 2 total knees related to congenital joint issues (had 8 knee surgeries so far). It’s difficult to walk a lot. Last walk I took with my 3 beautiful well behaved dogs I missed a curb, fell and slammed on concrete, bad bruising cheek, hand, both knees, probably re-sprained my ankle, re-injured my right knee, twisted my back. Oh and then I got to walk all the way back home.
Sadly if there’s a way to hurt myself I can usually find it.
The previous time I took one of my dogs out there was another dog off leash and my dog took my flying and I slammed down and really hurt that right knee of mine. Good times, good times!
@@chalenejohnson Thankyou! 2 months on and I'm working a 3day wk physical job, sleep patterns now back in sync, and my mood is better with a planned continuation!/reduction of my antidepressants.
This is probably the best video ever. I am so tired of the modern influencers and their here’s the “list” to make your life optimal. I am 46- and telling you it’s all bs. Peace of mind matters most. You don’t need the “list” to live optimally. Simplicity is key. I wish I knew this 20 years ago. Thank you for saying this, Charlene.
Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed the video. I completely agree-peace of mind and simplicity are what truly matter. We don’t need a “list” to live optimally. It’s all about finding what works best for you.
Over doing it and stress is a big culprit. Healthy habits are not a one size fits all. Being fit is a journey and not a destination, for sure. 🌟✨
So true, and I just wish it were one or two things. It’s not. It’s nuanced. It’s personal. And it is a journey. But don’t give up if you’re reading this!!! And please know you’re not crazy! We believe you
Full menopause! I hate it!! I can't get rid of the extra weight! I've been trying alot of different supplements- don't work 😔 I feel like a stuffed sausage putting on clothes! Stressing out all the time. Very frustrated!!
My goodness Chalene, my husband has been a personal trainer all of his life, I met him in the gym, fell in love and here we are together for years now but the funny thing is that he CONSTANTLY told me to change up my workouts, EXACTLY as you said, he would say people need to change the way they exercise, change it up so that the exercise would be more efficient to improve the body for the positive changes everyone always wants. You are such a Goddess Chalene, thank you for your incredible useful content . Have a blessed Sunday.
What a perfect name for a bright light like you! Thank you for your kind words!
I am 56 and have gone through this journey, and you are 💯 accurate!
Tell us!!!! Ladies need to know it’s okay to do things differently!! We deserve to be believed!!!
This video alone lowers my cortisol! Thank you, Charlene… for being in our corner and taking the time to research and share. I DO follow your advice and it always helps!
Ok for the record your sense of humor is errrything! 😂😂😂😂 And thank you for the kind words!!!
50 year old mom of five (ages 17-27), 125lbs 5’3, perimenopausal & do not want to gain weight! I will do what I CAN do & let go of everything else to eliminate as much stress as possible. Thank you for the video.!
That's sounds like a great plan!! You've got this!!
This video was right ON TIME for me! I just turned 50 yesterday, menopause has been HORRIBLE.. this video has reenergized me to continue to show up for ME! ❤
Oh belated happy birthday!! Yes! Keep showing up for YOU! ❤
Excellent content. I have made similar changes over the past two years. Once I got on HRT, everything changed for me. I was able to lose 10 lbs. and was finally able to build muscle. At 54, this is the best I've felt and looked in memory.
I agree with you Chalene! No more counting MACROS! Especially for busy people! Keep it simple ❤. Lots of veggies (organic no pesticides), palm size clean quality grass fed protein, wild caught fish, with healthy fats. Even protein for snacks & veggies with protein for breakfast 🌻
I’m more concerned with omitting chemicals & reducing stress❤
You are SO right on!
I love this!!! And as I said - if it’s something you’ve never tried and what you’re doing isn’t working, well then maybe it is for you. But for many of us, we just need to be done with restrictions and life limiting rules!
You were always an inspiration and still are.
Thank you for be so positive! Love you gf
Your topic is exactly what I’m going through. Did a 12 week program that I had lost 20 lbs before but this time around, which was a few years later, didn’t lose a thing. At 44 years old it makes sense now the way you put it, to quit stressing over it. I was the one not eating while my family ate dinner, or ate something different, and saw on their faces the annoyance and disconnect it created. Thank you for this🙏
Now I will say that I can’t eat the way my boyfriend does - he’s a southern boy through and through! Sweet tea (gag), regular soda, simple carbs etc,! But I have had some impact on his diet with the “eat the highest quality of food that you can afford because your body is an engine like a car” . He can relate to that and when I buy meat and eggs, I firstly do so with the thought that animals who are giving up their lives at least deserve a decent one before they die and because if they are well treated then that quality is passed on when I consume them. I do feel badly that I’m eating animals but I try to have compassion for their lives during their time on earth. Same thing goes for dairy products which I never would have thought I’d be using full fat products lol! But the logic of satiation from the fat makes sense.
I just turned 62 and I so appreciate you! You bring sanity back to the fitness space for me! I follow a lot of others in the health and fitness industry. "Stop already." "I gotta relax." Yes! Thank you! 😊
Thank you for your kind words, Sharon! It's heartwarming to know that I can help bring some sanity to your fitness journey. ❤️
All is takes in finding what works for you. Good going.
I am very much like you, dear Shalene. This is crazy! personal trainer nutrition consultant for over 30 years; age 55. Blessed, wife and mother of three daughters. I almost didn’t watch because of the weight loss and I’m subscribed to all your awesome videos. But I’m so glad I watched, bc this is me as far as the inflammation! Did intense workouts for decades by day, evening sing/manage a band …created inflammation in my body, nonstop movement, stress hormones…not knowing what was going on: rashes, etc. Intuitively had to stop those workouts and calm myself down…just walk! I had to mentally tell me it was OK to let go of the strict nutrition, health regimes, and workouts. Had to “let go “! Thank you for all your sharing!
I find this so relatable. I am now 60 and feel all the same things you talk about here, shame and embarrassment, even my sex life has taken a toll. I started lifting weights when I was 18 and never looked back I had always been proud through my 50's in a bikini. Suddenly after menopause I am left feeing so confused about diet, exercise and where to begin to try and get some sense of control over my body and the weight I've gained. I see myself so differently now and as you said it really takes a toll on your self esteem.
Oh, I know how frustrating it is to feel lost and discover that methods that worked before no longer benefit your current situation. Menopause can bring about many physical and emotional shifts, and adjusting to them can be challenging. Have you considered HRT?
@chalenejohnson is hrt the pellets? Or are you speaking about the patch and pills etc for estrogen progesterone and testosterone? Sorry I'm confused.. thank you for your information. .. God bless you 🙏
Hi Charlene :) I’ll be 53 soon ~ in the past year, I’ve lost 30lbs…had a hip replacement and had gotten sober. I say HAD gotten sober because I’ve started drinking again and I’m More than angry and frustrated with myself!!!! Anyway, I just watched your Losing Weight after 50 My #1 SECRET You are beautiful and look amazing!!!!! I NEED to get sober again (I’m not someone that can moderate) I just wanted to say hello and you are an inspiration!!! :) Thank you!!!!
I only wanted to tell you not to beat yourself up. It took me years to completely quit drinking. I was 41 and it's been ten years without a drop. Do not give up!
And I agree, moderation was NOT an option for me, either. I drank from thirteen to forty one years old pretty damned consistent with about a zillion excuses.
That's a big burden to carry but since you did it once, you can do it again. I'm not a big drinker, but you still inspired me by sharing what you've gone through and what you achieved. Just wanted to wish you success.
You can get sober again . I'm praying for you! 🙏❤️
Chalene ,I'm 40 yr old and I can't tell u how much of a difference u have made for me . I have fallowed u since beach body, you have helped and inspired me at times that can feel almost unbearable , almost like things will be okay . I appreciate you.
You just made my Sunday Suzann!
61 now and geez!! 15 lbs feels like 50! I had done alot of these suggestions and really did well in my 50's and kept the weight off but as soon as I turned 60 🤦♀️🙇🏼♀️ but I will say I left a job that was very stressful for me and recently started a job I really like so that is step in right direction.
Thanks for the info. I am taking it to heart and will chill out and just be nice to myself😊 Eat when I am hungry was the best suggestion 🩷🩷
YES!!!! I am now 60. Years as a Medical Nutritionist and Fitness traine,r everything changed when I entered menopause. Yikes-I had to go back to the drawing board to learn new things to help myself and others.Still working on it.................👋🙏💪
Soooo true! Thank you for validating the experience!
Sane here, I am 62 and had to change everything
I’ve never been able to shift the 2 stones I gained during menopause and I hate it. Was a UK Size 10 but am now a Size 14 and only have about 12 items of clothing I can wear (I refuse to buy Size 14 clothes). I even did a 5-MONTH water fast where people were losing tons of weight - not me, I didn’t lose an ounce!!!
Same with me , what do you change hun?
@madelyn6404 may I ask hun what did you change ?
I can’t do HRT due to a history of breast cancer in my family. Unfortunately. My belly is my problem area, and I can’t seem to cinch my waist in! I eat healthy, I strength train 4-5 days a week, and walk every day. I will do 10 minutes of sprint intervals 2 times a week. (30 secs sprinting/ 30 secs walking at a lower speed). I’m 53, and I hit menopause at 47. Early. 2017 was my last period. Sorry if that’s. T.M.I. This was a great video! Thanks for sharing your tips. ❤
There is new research out about bhrt and breast cancer.
@@AmyMcLin-ms3xx there is? Where do I read that?
That's not true, other people got breast cancer, not you. it is now proven Estrogen lowers risk of Breast cancer by more than 33%. get another doctor.
You are 1000% right about walking. I started walking the trail at my local park daily either in the morning or evening and I WAS SHOCKED at how fast my body toned and firmed up IMMEDIATELY. I could not believe it!! Simple walking one time around a track yielded at least 4 times per week yielded incredible benefits inside and out for me!
you have to be patient ! patience is the key ! people want everything immediately but with your body, you need patience.
I couldn’t agree more!
Hi. My name is Audrey. I'm new here. I love this content, it speaks to me so much. For years, weight, food, exercise, body image has caused me so much stress. I have started exactly what you said. I just started walking, walking daily with my dog. I get to be alone with my own thoughts. I don't have the pressure of being a good employee, a good mom, wife, daughter, sister....blah, blah, blah. This time away from everything and enjoy a walk outside with my thoughts and sometimes with my favorite RUclipsr! Thank you for this video it was validation for me.
At 43, went on Bio-Identical Hormones, best decision I made, I should have gone on them even earlier but that’s okay. My hair stopped falling out like crazy in about 2 weeks of starting HRT! I started sleeping better, like I used to before the hormone decline, I started feeling “normal” again…
I eat mostly raw vegan, and it changed my life for the better… I do eat fish once in a while, and some cooked foods once in a while. It’s been a blessing, I don’t crave pies, cakes, cookies, chips anymore!
Yes! balancing your hormones is key! So glad that you feel yourself again with BHRT as well with raw vegan approach! Thank you for sharing! ❤
Thank you for saying that meditation and Journaling can be stressful. Sometimes I feel like, OMG, I have to get that done so I will feel less stress, but then I'm stressed because I HAVE to do it.
If it's just giving you stress then it might not be for you
All of this needs to be talked about so much more!!! I do not know why there is this almost complete lack of education, and stigma, or denial, or embarrassment around peri-menopause/menopause. Estrogen decline affects EVERYTHING in your body and doctors rarely tell you this, or even ask you about it. I never knew any of this and had to look for information on my own. Because of my ignorance on the subject I've had bone loss, dental problems, skin changes, my hair stopped being curly, joint pain, hot flashes....you name it.
I've been on HRT for almost 2 years now and it has made a WORLD of difference.
Thank you so much for speaking to this issue and for always having our backs in our fitness and well being goals. You rock ❤❤
I totally agree! It’s frustrating how there’s not much information to help us transition through menopause. That’s why it’s imperative for us to be our own advocates and help one another. We’re all in this together!
hormone replacement therapy
Thanks for being so vulnerable and letting us know that we are not crazy, and that we need to stop love ourselves and be human 🙏🏾💗
Chalene!!! This is exactly what I needed to hear at this time in my life. I'm 54 and I'm SO tired of dieting. I knew I wanted to stop dieting, but I didn't know what to do next. I was literally burned out from my HIIT workouts and my stress levels are high on most days. Thank you for sharing what has worked for you and giving us permission to let all of the "stuff" go in order to do something that's a lot more intuitive.
What’s sooo weird for me, on this Fu***weight-loss journey is when I decided to stop fasting and eat earlier in the day I didn’t gain weight, every day, no matter what I ate, the weight stayed exactly the same. I even thought my scale was incorrect. Like what the hell is going on.
You are so welcome! Ya know there's no gate keeping in here! Love ya! Hope this approach helps you too!
Thank you Chalene.
The changes I have made in the last month…
Stopped eating processed food as much as possible.
Completely stopped drinking.
Increased my water consumption.
Lifting heavy 4-5 days /week.
Walk with my husband every night after dinner 30-45 mins.
I’m still intermittent fasting but not inflexible. Today I was hungry at 11:20 so I made myself lunch instead of waiting until noon. Thank you for reminding us to give ourselves grace. And thank you for telling us not to count our macros. I know I need to increase my protein because of the lifting, I’m working on that but I don’t want this to be a project. I must feel more relaxed because I’m not stressed about trying to lose weight this time and it’s happening. The biggest change is listening to our bodies and giving our bodies what it needs to be strong and healthy. Thank you Chalene from the bottom of my heart.❤
You are really helping me Chalene. I've worked out like a maniac for over 30 years. Going into 50 this year you are helping me learn to go easier on myself. Focusing on keeping my stress down both mentally and physically and not being so rigid with diet and workout schedules has helped tremendously. I'm finding that I am stronger and feel better than I ever have. Being a "go getter" has it's benefits AND it's draw backs for sure.
Girl you and me and most the GenX girlies. It’s a lot of work for us to “do less” and reduce stress but so worth it!
I know this is an older post but I am glad I came across it. All the “ things” can get so crazy! I appreciate your telling women to take a step back and relax.❤
I’m 50 years old and I’m going through the stress of losing weight now. I have been on numerous diets. This video helped me out a lot! I’ve been a huge fan of yours! Thanks for sharing your advice!
I am so happy this video helped you!
Chalene! It is wonderful to see your podcast for the first time tonight. I have known of you since 2006 when I started using your beach body videos after the birth of my first child. I was always impressed with your charisma, energy, and love for helping people.
Fast forward to now… I’m in my early 50s, my bodyweight has shifted as with many of us here on your platform. I just wanted to say thank you so much for this safe and loving space. I appreciate YOU!
Thank you for bringing this up I’m turning 40 in a few months and I have been so frustrated with my body because I’m doing all the things nothing seems to be working. I finally just started relaxing about it and reducing my stress, getting to bed on time and walking. Finally seeing progress in the right direction.
I love that you're started to see progress! Keep it going! You're on the right track!
@@chalenejohnson thank you I actually did your guided walk that you offered I loved it I plan on joining the phase it up program.
Oh girl! When you were talking about people in your life that cause you stress….. I hear you! I actually made a decision a few months ago to take a step back from them and surround myself with people that fill me up, that are grateful, and help me become a better person. 😊
Yes!! You did the right choice!
Really needed this video. I had lost weight for my daughters wedding in September but over the winter put the weight back on. Having such a hard time dropping the weight at age 69. Only need to lose about 15 lbs., but since nothing is working it stressing me out. I think your advice is spot on. I will listen to my body and if I'm hungry will eat not wait for the specific time I've set for myself. I am trying to walk more but with this added advice I have confidence I will succeed. Thank you.
I’m glad the video helped! Don’t stress too much-listening to your body is key. Keep walking and stay confident. You’ve got this!
I’m 42 going through this exactly now-was always the “pretty” “low BMI” girl until now…thanks for being a trailblazer “big sister” to me/us! ❤
you know I got your back 😘
I saw my primary care physician last year, amd said the old "diet and exercise to lose weight" line. I stopped him before he left the room and said "could you be more spesific? Because I'm a physical therapist and I got the exercise part down, but I'm not a nutritionist, so what diet should I do ?" He stumbled suggesting Keto, Atkins, Mediterranean..etc. I told him "well, I'm middle eastern, so I'm familiar with Mediterranean diet...and I'm not going to restrict myself and fall off the wagon either!" I'm not diabetic or have a heart condition. I have an autoimmune disease (PMR) and Fibromyalgia, Sacroiliitis, and tear in my Hip. So, I had to change my workout routine: low impact to avoid increasing inflammation, and water aerobic in deep water to avoid pressure on the spine and tone the muscles. I'm on low dosage methotrexate for the autopsy disease and avoiding steroids (for now, since I'm in my mid 40s). I only eat twice a day and one meal has to be homemade and protien and veggies/fruits. Yes, my other meal is sometimes a takeout or at a restaurant, but trying to pick healthier options and smaller portions (along with getting out of the house to be more social). I walk daily amd stretch every night after a shower before getting in bed. I watch TV in bed for an hour while sitting upright doing multiple stretches for my neck and shoulders (using the commercial breaks as my timer!) Within a year, I noticed my clothes fitting better even though the weight was only 5 lbs down on the scale... but at least I'm building up muscles and hopefully I can increase my resistance with exercises and have better eating habits to improve that number on the scale without "punishing" myself or feeling degraded by doctors.
Slow and steady!!!!
Amen to that 💖
🙌 Yes!! Listen to YOUR body. Do what works for YOU. Rest when you need to rest and don’t feel guilty! Don’t let your emotions rule your actions but what your body is telling you. 💪
THIS!!! 💜💜💜
I was the ‘healthy’ person in my family…ate well, exercised, no smoking or drinking, no genetic predisposition, avoided makeup, Teflon and any potential carcinogen I ever read about…and I still got breast cancer in my 40’s. I have relatives who never exercised, eat, drink and smoke as they like, are obese, and they are all fine. Life is just not fair.
That happened to my friend..in her 30s.
My mother and uncles as well. I wonder if the flu shot is what it did.
This is sadly so true! My mom was a very healthy person, didn't follow anything specific just healthy in general; was always a runner, always ate really well just cuz she enjoyed it, wasn't a smoker, would't do anything that wasn't natural, no tattoos or plastic surgery (not that those have to do with ur health but u get the point lol) She beat cancer once, got it again 20yrs later & past at 51. I'm the exact opposite of everything I said about her & I'm in great health, besides my weight. But I always say why restrict myself of so many things I enjoy when I could die tmw anyway. But I'm 42 & definitely in that place of no matter what I do & how hard I try I can't lose the weight....I guess I'll give it & try to NOT TRY so hard lol.
Angela Roubique from Texas. I will be 50 this year and the midsection blues are my reality.
I'm 65 and went off bioidentical hormones last year after being on them from my early 50s. I kept having vaginal polyps and bleeding, had to have a D&C once, and then a year later I had polyps again but right now we're trying to control it with being on progesterone. But since going off the hormones my belly has gotten a little bigger, which has always been something I was self conscious of because we live in a society where you have to have a flat board stomach to look good. I have always been thin, never had to worry about dieting, and I was never a big eater. In fact, I was 10 pounds underweight when I got pregnant in my 30s. Maybe I should be more disciplined in getting in more exercise and stop sitting so much. I do work at home sitting at a desk all day, so there's that. I just have to be more productive in exercising. This video helped me a lot. Thank you.
You know - I think what might really help you...
1) Eat high protein meals as much as possible. You prob. already know this.
2) Don't snack btw meals
(Sometimes when we think we are hungry- the body actually needs water.) So drink water rather than a btw meal snack.
3) About water...we really DO need to drink at least 2.5 quarts water daily.
This is bc we lose that much H20 from a combo of our kidneys; colon; skin & lungs, just from their everyday functioning.
We expell H20 just with our respiration, for instance, (breathing).
Also, sip your water between meals - not with meals. Drinking water too close to or with a meal dilutes stomach acid - which we need, to digest our food.
Also drink your water in sips - never gulp down a whole glass (just to get it down quickly bc you feel it's a chore you have to get through).
Enjoy your water - Pour it into an attractive glass - add a slice of lemon - sip on it while sitting at your desk - make it enjoyable.
Gulping an entire 8 or 12 or 16 oz water down...
and the result is that you will be running to the commode every hour or even less🤯
Also drinking down a large glass - or bottle of water can bloat your stomach, or can cause leg swelling.
This is because the water is not going where it should - into our cells. It's needs a longer time trickling into the body in sips - rather than flooding - in order to enter our cells.
So drink alot of H2O
- between meals - and sip on your a H2O over time, not all at once.
4) Make sure you get your minerals - they help with all body functions. They also help the water we drink to enter our cells where it belongs, and not just run right thru the body. Sodium, potassium & magnesium, in particular.
5) Stop using table salt - it's a poor option for the sodium our cells need.
The healthiest salt is Celtic salt. Celtic salt is
hand processed sea salt & has 92 minerals in it, including 3 types of magnesium.
If not Celtic salt - the next best is sea salt (Himalayan, for instance) which has about 75 intact minerals. (less than Celtic salt, but 73 more minerals than table salt. )
My source for this data on importance of water (and how to drink it) , as well as substituting (unhealthy) table salt for Celtic salt is
Barbara O'Neill on YT.
I don't recall the name of the Holistic Health Retreat where she lectures - but she gives awesome holistic health lectures on YT. Key her name in YT search engine to find her.
5) Walk - or do some activity after every meal. Air squats, push-ups, pull-ups - even some housework (vacuuming is kinda like walking)😊... whatever activity suits you... but the easiest is to just establish the habit of a post meal walk of 15-20 min.
Not a stroll, but a fairly brisk walk.
This will keep your
post-meal blood glucose
In check. You never want to let it spike high - dip down - spike high, etc. Healthiest is to keep it as even as possible.
We can easily accomplish this with after-meal walks.😊
6) Many times the reason we gain fat around the middle that won't come off is due to Insulin Resistance. The older we get, the higher the incidence of IR. That's the main reason for seemingly unexplainable fat gain, especially around the mid-section...
This is fat that can appear quickly & unexplainably, and refuse to budge - no matter how active we are, or how 'clean' the diet, or how restricted our calories.
This is especially true for post menopausal women and peri-menopausal. (Insulin Resistace)
With IR - Our insulin cannot get our post-meal glucose into the body's cells where it belongs.
So, both glucose & insulin build up in the bloodstream where they don't belong.
Finally, the body forces the glucose into the liver (or I may have that backwards) - it may be that the liver somehow forces the glucose into the visceral area where it turns right to fat - no question.
Glucose is actually needed in the cells and muscles for fuel & energy, but in the case of IR...
No, the glucose goes straight to the visceral area and turns to fat. Stubborn fat that will not burn off - no matter what.
6) Try adding Interval training (intermittant sprints, for instance -3-4x a week) into your exercise routine.
Interval training like HIIT or Sprints targets visceral/belly fat, for fuel.
Good sources for more data re Interval training and/or Sprints, HIIT...
would be -
Dr. Stephanie Sims, PhD (exercise physiologist); she's on YT health podcasts alot. (Ck out Katie Couric's YT interview of Dr. Sims - she talks about women's fitness , lifting 'heavy', as well as HIIT & sprinting to lose belly fat -
post menopausal.
Dr. Sean O'Mara, M.D
(lots of YT lectures on health podcasts re sprinting to lose visceral fat.
Also, Barbara O'Neill has a video on HIIT & Interval training - more about staying strong as we age, than the belly fat issue.
Although I don't quite agree with her that jumping on a rebounder would get anyone except the most unfit of us😮 into a zone 5 all-out effort (which is what a sprint or HIIT would be) - but she seems to think so.
She does give an informative lecture on the importance of HIIT training as we age, though. ...nevermind the idea we can hit zone 5 on a rebounder.🤔
She does also recommend sprintimg up hills - as an 'all out effort'- then strolls downhill to recover. (She does this, as well.
7) Try not to sit for longer than 30-40 min in one stint. NOT HEALTHY!
Try setting an alarm for every 30min, or so - no longer than 45 min - and get up & walk about - whatever it takes - to help your circulation.
Some health experts & physiologists (like Dr. Andy Galpin) suggest getting up from seated at least once an hour and doing an all out, zone 5, in anyway you can -he uses an assault bike - before we get seated again.
I generally do air squats, or push-ups- sometimes weighted squats - or military arm presses.
8) - what else? SLEEP!
good quality - consistent timing - & getting enough consistent nightly sleep.
Per Dr. Matt Walker, PhD & UC Berkley Professor, Neuro Scientist specializing in sleep science...
If our sleep is poor quality and / or we are sleep deprived over time - not only will our hunger hormones increase - but our cortisol increases - and we can gain 'unexplained' belly fat. (which is actually the result of chronically high Cortisol levels)...
So, as I'm sure you are aware - chronically high Cortisol levels can result from high stress levels - And so, we also need to reduce stress as much as we can.
And then, of course , there's Chalene who is always on-point about this subject as well - how to lose that menopausal belly fat. She's an absolute 💎 GEM!
Sorry for the ungodly length here. But I do hope at least something clicks here that maybe you haven't tried yet - and that it just might
help. 😊🫠
Best to you🫠
@@barbarafairbanks4578 A lot of advice, thank you. I definitely will take some of it into consideration. My water intake and getting enough sleep and getting up more frequently from desk really hit me here. Those I definitely need to work on. I'm sure I'll have to come back and reread your post again, so much knowledge to take in. Thank you! 🤗
Even just getting more steps in can make a huge difference! Staying active, even with small changes, can really help. I'm so glad thisvideo helped you!
I'll be 52 next month, just ordered bio identical HRT from Alloy online OBGYN, I'll be starting next week 🙏
Thanks for this down-to-earth picture of what so many are going through. I’m 52 , in perimenopause and have been low carb/ keto, flexible intermittent fasting for years now. I slipped a bit and am getting back on track with high protein and low carbs and moderate fat. I love walking and biking and need to lift more (would love more of that content!)
Cortisol has been a big part of my challenges with supporting elderly parents, which has been brutal. I’m in for the long -haul as my mom has Alzheimer’s and dementia and it can be very contentious between the two of us.
I have such a supportive family and I just need to get back to exercising more because it truly made a difference with my stress and overall contentment.
❤❤❤❤ you and your insights, Chalene,
Thank you for sharing your journey. It’s wonderful that you’re getting back on track with your diet and exercise. I’m glad my content resonates with you, and I’ll definitely share more on lifting! Supporting elderly parents is incredibly challenging, and it’s amazing that you’re staying strong. Keep prioritizing your health; exercise can make such a difference. Sending you lots of love and strength. 💜💜💜
I'm 63 and really struggling with inflammation. Like you, I used to teach aerobics and Hitt. Working out alittle less I need to walk walk walk, thankyou
Walking is 🔑!
Thank you! I’m 61 and just went back on HRT. Feel 20 yrs younger! Great tips that I’ll definitely implement.
Oh I love this soo much!!
Hi kim i got down to 204lb from 269lb. due to stress and a death and a broken leg i gained 130lb. 30 days ago, i made a commitment to myself and got back on keto/low carb. I take it day by day and im being consistent and enjoying my foods. My focus for now is food and then steps and its working. Ive already planned what i will be eating on xmas day and i am looking forward to my meal and deserts. I do not feel restricted in anyway. Im now in the process at looking at your journey from your 1st utube up load for ideas to keep me going. Your channel helped me last time. But this is the time i will not give up on myself as i want to walk without my feet hurting,my knees hurting when i walk up the stair, get in and out of the bath,to make my life easier. I miss you i hope you are ok.❤
God bless you Chalene 😘 I'm 47 and going through it. You are my guiding light. Love, Becca 🫶
Awwww! Thats so sweet! We've got this, Becca!
OMG! This video is so spot on! As a fitness advocate I have been incorporating everything you are talking about! Thank you for your honesty and for posting this podcast. I completely agree with everything you are saying. Trying to follow all of the rules is impossible in my opinion. At 68 years old, I lift heavy weights, intermittent fasting, low carb, etc etc etc. The missing links were getting rid of my extreme stress and walking! What a difference. It worked for me. What a great podcast! THANK YOU!
I’m 64 and have a petite frame. I do have a little belly, but I may start bio identical hormones even at my age because I keep hearing more and more positives even for someone 10 yrs past menopause?! I’m a little nervous about it, but I feel like I’ve wasted 10 years, not taking it! I hope I can tolerate it because my brain, my hair ,my bones, my skin everything is so off and I feel like I really need it. better late than never right?
Soooo great! I gave up rules and “beating myself up “ when I would break a rule!! It has been Life Changing!!! Freed❤️
LOUDER for the girls in the back!!!!!!
Almost 58 years young, went carnivore 12/2023. Lost weight feel amazing and I’ll never go back to carbs and sugar. No more brain fog, no more arthritis pain in my knee and big toe. Lowered my prediabetic A1C level. Had heart scans for plaque ✅ all good. Just need to figure out an exercise for my tummy that actually works.
This video has helped me more than you can know. I am 60 (this month) and always stressing about the number on the scale and how I look in the mirror. I lost 30 lbs and have been stuck for a while, wanting to lose 30 more. Well not anymore! I’m going to walk daily, strength train, and just do the best I can. I do eat healthy, but have a sweet (not as much as I used to). I refuse to deprive myself. My husband and I go to a personal trainer once per week and walk daily. Retirement has helped tremendously to make me more active, too! 😅
Awww! It's heartwarming to know that this video helped you! I love how dedicated you are to improve your fitness and health journey together with your husband! Keep it going!!! 💪🏻
I had listened to this before and forgotten some of the messages. I’m so glad this video popped up on my feed again. It couldn’t have come at a better time. Thank you ❤
Me personally, I started losing the most weight after reading the book Woman’s weight loss secrets: the unspoken truth, a few things you are mentioning in this video are also in the book
@EmiliaTaylor-yg8zv. BEWARE EVERYONE. A fake group is trolling thousands of weightloss videos and promoting this ridiculous fake book.
Where did you buy the book from?
@@sanjam11it's a bot
This is the most realistic video I have watched regarding losing weight after 50. Thank you for sharing your realistic and practical tips. Love & Light from Joburg, South Africa 🇿🇦 💖
Thank you, Chalene. I can absolutely relate to this! The puffy face, overreliance on stimulants, scouring the internet for ways to optimize health...all of it!
The stress is FOR SURE the problem. On a side note, I would like you to consider investigating the importance of taurine in the body, and the decline of production as we age. The biggest impact it's had on me in a short period of time is a reduction in anxiety (something that has recently become an issue for me within the past few years). I know the peri gals out there might benefit from knowing more.
Been watching your videos but didn’t realize I hadn’t subscribed. As a 41 year old currently experiencing these challenges your content is a breath of fresh air and gives me hope. Thank you!
How do you take care of your hands
Can you prepare a video about that ? Thank you !
Thank you. I needed this reminder to do the little, easy, non-stressful things I can do. Peri-menopause hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm 50 and over the summer life just changed. I hate been fit, strong and healthy for most of my adult life. I didn't know what was happening. Thank you
I love how your videos just get right to the it!!!! ❤
I appreciate that so much! Thank you!
omg, so true. I just found you on IG and YT a few weeks ago. Enough already!! Lemon water, cold plunge, bla bla bla. I haven't had it any easier to lose with HRT. I just can't take it off. Until 42 I was able to maintain with lots of cardio- high intense every day, weight training (not as much as I should have), counting every calorie etc. For several years now, I can't seem to get off any weight unless I go down to 1100 calories. I did a reverse diet and gained even more weight. It's so upsetting and depressing. I know I work hard and eat right. And doctors want you to just be happy you're healthy after 50 :( And now all I read is how important it is to meet our protein goals!! I love your idea to just STOP! I'm so exhausted from all the effen weighing and counting. Thank you for this!!
Thank you, Chalene. Spot on video!!! Best, Angela
Awwww. Thank you!!! 😍😍
Motivation is the number one thing if you want to do anything. I've been intermittent fasting all my life and didn't even know that was a thing to do. My body doesn't get hungry except around 1 to 2 in the afternoon. I eat one meal and am no longer hungry until the next day. I tried eating when I'm not hungry and gained 30 pounds. Now I can't get rid of it no matter how many days I fast. I know moving is what I lack in my life, so this to prove that diet is not the answer. Moving and being active is what I need. Thanks for the motivation.
She’s also on HRT and Ozempic which are absolute game changers for most people and obviously are for her or she wouldn’t be using them. Dont think for a second that you’re going to have a body like hers by working out and eating well if you are menopausal.
Charlene.. I juST started following you!! Loved this podcast!!! You are Me!!! I started HRT about 4 years ago.. was a Godsend. My entire life I was a gym Rat, Athlete, Fitness trainer, bodybuilder and the last year and half I suddenly hit a wall. Haven't been working out due to Injury.Gained all this weight around midsection..went from 126 lbs to 145 lbs..and I'm disgusted. I eat clean/healthy.. became fatigued, lots of crazy symptoms, my cortisol has suddenly skyrocketed past year.
Working on figuring out issues.
But Thank you for this. Just makes me know I'm not alone and it's not too late to get my old body back. 🥰 (So frustrated,) So Glad I found you!!!!!!!!!
Is there anybody here that is in menopause but chose not to do hrt?
Many people dont take hrt and ofcourse its a cancer risk to take them.lis been medically proved and l never took took them and weigh the same as l always did
I’m way past menopause now and didn’t actually realise because I had so much stress in the years I was going through it. I didn’t have the hot flashes and thought the sore joints and not sleeping well were stress, which is probably true but it was menopause too. Anyway, by the time I thought I should check it out I had blood tests and my doctor told me I had gone through it. I wish I had done more research but I had a friend that took hrt and hated the side effects but became dependant on it because of her mood. We can’t win!
@@gilly9430 😢
Yes I am in menopause I use a cream rather than HRT
@PatriciaHarris-rz5og what type of cream and where does it go?
Excellent video! This is exactly what I did. The freedom that comes from releasing the rules has made me more relaxed, less stressed and happier overall. The weight has come off with ease. Life is too short for all these restrictions. Walk and smile!
I am 57 so been through menopause! Please more content for older women💕✨
This was amazing. I've been working out, eating "right" and stressing about it since I was 10 years old. I am 46 now and done obsessing! I just started walking daily in place of high intensity and my peace and happiness is through the roof! I just found you and this episode encouraged me that this is the right direction for this phase of my life. 💕
I’m 67 and started intermittent fasting. It’s working but “the rules”…. That 8 hr window is so hard to eat at the same every day.
I’m telling you… You will do more harm than good if you become a slave to those rules. Think of them as general guidelines!!
I’ve only just come across your posts on RUclips & I’ve found them so helpful. I’m 52, type one diabetic, peri menopausal & also have back problems. I walk about 6 miles a day & am generally slim but struggling to shift weight around my middle! I’m very interested in strength training & am looking at buying a weighted vest. Thank you for all your helpful information 😊
You’re a breath of fresh air Chalene! I started doing your videos 25 years ago. I am on the same wavelength. Thanks for being such an influence in this space. Sharing so honestly brings a lot of peace to all of us.❤
Awwww! Thats so sweet! Thank you for your kind words! I really appreciate it and you! 🥰
Chalene I am so happy you exist. I found you way back in Turbo Jam days and recently re-found you through a Dr. Mary Claire Haver suggested video. I am so happy you're on RUclips and now I have thousands of hours to watch. You have been there at these specific stages of my life and I am grateful. Thank you Chalene!
Because of this video, I now know that the videos I used to work out to and was in the best shape of my life, you were my teacher! I had no idea that was you!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
Chalene thank you thank you thank you for always being so encouraging and non judgmental. I’ve been on GLP1’s since September 2023 and lose weight slowly even on that. I’ve fought the battle for 50+ years (I’m 61) and have always been 80-100 lbs overweight - since my teens. Having tried every workout and diet plan known to man, just created a stressed out and underfed version of me. She ain’t cute. Ha ha. Anyway this medication has helped me lose 40+ lbs since September and I generally lose 1 lb per week. Walking twice a day and strength training 2-4 xs per week. So thank you for being supportive of people like me. You are a rare gem and I’ve appreciated you for years!!!
Hi Laura! Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m glad to hear you’re seeing progress and feeling better with GLP1. Of course, there is no space for judgement here! Keep up the great work with your walking and strength training! I love you and I mean it!
Oh my gosh ! This was the perfect video for me , right now ! I’m 64 , walking about 4 miles everyday , following the macros and just not getting my goal weight 😠I now know I need to stop stressing about it, eat that homemade sourdough bread once in a while , stop trying to force my “ what I should do everyday “ on myself . I def need to do more weight training ! Thank you for sharing and I need to just relax and enjoy who I am now ! 😊
Oh, just enjoy the process and not to overthink about what rules you need to follow. I know you've got this!!
Charlene the machine!!! I watched all your BB videos as a 19 year old in college. You got me on my fitness journey through my twenties. 20 years later I am fitness instructor for fun but I am noticing things that worked in my 20s and 30s are not working anymore. I am so glad I found you again. I am binge watching all video. 🙏🏾❤️
Yes, I feel you! Our bodies do change over time, so it’s great that you’re adapting. Thank you for your support all these years! I appreciate you!
I absolutely just adore you. I stumbled upon your channel a few months ago and you just put out the best content! I turned 41 in November and not handling the changes in my body well 😅! I appreciate how you break it down and are just so authentic. Thank you for reinforcing my beliefs in the value of LIVING!! 🎉
Not only your nutrition advice was wonderful to hear, losing people that I would call toxic in your life, and stop saying yes all the time has helped me tremendously!
Relaxing your body and mind is an amazing way to feel. I feel like my entire body, particularly my lower gut doesn't feel like it's in knots all the time anymore.
These ideas are exactly what helped me lose weight. Stopping all the diet drama, Was # 1.
Eating when your body is hungry is the only "rule" I now follow. And I religiously swim 3-4 times a week non-stop swim aerobics for 1 hour. Lost 25 lbs.
Now I need to add muscle mass and tone. Protein intake and water weights have worked wonders. I'm looking forward to your "Phaseitup" ... I wish I had had your advice years ago. I'm now 68 and finally finding some definition in my body. Thank You ❗
It's heartwarming to know how much you agree with my the approach I sharred! So glad that you were able to lose 25lbs from your swim aerobics and I am so excited to have you in Phase It up community! Keep it going!!! 💪🏻
You are such a real gal and u make a lot of sense💗. I’ve subscribed a few days ago watching your castor oil video.
Chalene, thank you for sharing. What you did is just what a lot of doctors/scientists interviewed on YT says - menopause changes the rules for women. Your getting vitamin D through walking did a lot to boost your metabolism, immunity and cardiovascular health so that fat loss was enabled. I subbed ages ago but don't see your videos lately. Thanks again, much appreciated! You're an inspiration to many who struggle with weight loss.
AGREE ... as woman who just turned 70 and who is only 8 lbs heavier than I was at 50, a lot has to do with things we don't like to talk about, i.e.: we shrink in size, our spine etc compresses and weight distribution changes. Weight can be a lot fo things, i.e.: water retention, no eliminating our bowels well, visceral fat etc. Sometimes, it just gravity LoL. My boobs look huge, my belly looks bloated. I never had thighs and now I do - and literally, only 8 lbs heavier. I know cortisol from yrs of stress and uneasy / satisfying sleep contributes. I do most of what has been laid out in this video but for the walking which I can't do - truth is, we just change and sometimes acceptance is the only healthy option or stressing over it makes everything worse.