Using Wet Shot To Clean A Filthy V12 Jaguar Engine! | Workshop Diaries | Edd China

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Join me in the workshop as I use wet grit to clean this FILTHY V12 Jaguar Engine!
    What do you want to see me work on in the workshop?
    Workshop Diaries - From Season 1 Episode 38 ""Using wet grit to clean a filthy V12 Jaguar engine"": Having exploded the rusty Range Rover into its constituent parts we now desperately need to tidy the workshop to make some space to keep all of those bits and pieces organised while we work through the refurbishment.
    Thing is though, despite many hands making light work, Paul seems hell bent on getting busy with his own project; a Jaguar V12 coffee table! So while he hurls ceramic shot beads at his filthy engine, I resign myself to tidying the workshop on my own but promptly find myself a new project to be distracted by... ...a gnarly old boat that is far from ship-shape!...
    Hi, I’m Edd, and welcome to my channel! Here you will find clips and full episodes of my show Workshop Diaries, produced with the help of my crew of production pixies. Make sure to subscribe to be notified of new uploads.
    A huge thanks to those of you who have already become ‘Patreons’, it is brilliant to have you on board. For those interested in joining our happy throng, you can support the show directly, by going to: / workshopdiaries
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Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @eddchina
    @eddchina  3 года назад +332

    Evening all. Hope this episode floated your boat and you had a real blast! Make sure you check the description above to find out some Christmas vouchers and deals on the Ansell gloves I use...

    • @BoostedVr5
      @BoostedVr5 3 года назад +7

      Hey Edd im glad youre stil making youre own episodes i really missed you on that other show because wheeler dealers is now so boring without you
      Soon im going to build up a 5cilinder Vw engine from the ground up again with upgraded parts for my Turbo project 😁
      Wishing you great holidays 🎄👋🧑‍🔧 💪

    • @Wok_Agenda
      @Wok_Agenda 3 года назад +9

      This episode not only floated my boat but helped propell it

    • @petergreen3381
      @petergreen3381 3 года назад +2

      Hi Edd, Peter from the 'Alaska' here. Very much enjoying 'Workshop Diaries' and great to see some boat stuff too! Would be happy to advise on/help with getting Phantom's shiny bits back up to 'Alaska' standard.
      Hope you both have a great Christmas despite Covid.

    • @dundundata7603
      @dundundata7603 3 года назад +3

      Happy Christmas gents!

    • @createmorebiz7652
      @createmorebiz7652 3 года назад +2

      I found it all very relaxing, seeing that V12 get a blasting!

  • @garethdawes4022
    @garethdawes4022 3 года назад +163

    Paul is a national treasure, great to see him coming into his own. A definite upgrade on your last co-presenter!

    • @imouse3246
      @imouse3246 3 года назад +7

      Paul is a great worker, Edd .... well he's really an idea man. ;-)

    • @ArtVandelayOfficial
      @ArtVandelayOfficial 3 года назад +9

      I like how he always has a smirk and twinkle in his eye 😄
      They're always up to cheeky jokes and banter

    • @loukasnicolaou6341
      @loukasnicolaou6341 3 года назад +5

      Correction, not national but global treasure

    • @cgdeery
      @cgdeery 3 года назад +3

      Not as skilful as MB at shot blasting. .and removing door handles! !! Lol

    • @Saxtoo
      @Saxtoo 3 года назад +2

      The Paul Workshop and Edd's sofa diaries!

  • @ADavis-ik4qr
    @ADavis-ik4qr 3 года назад +16

    Whoever chooses the music for this channel deserves a raise! It's always spot on...

  • @deanfinnie4701
    @deanfinnie4701 3 года назад +44

    How can a show in which nothing ever really gets finished be so entertaining and addictive?!?
    Absolutely love your show Edd & glad Paul is there to muck around too.

    • @Mtlmshr
      @Mtlmshr 3 года назад +3

      Oh things WILL GET FINISHED! What they are showing is what it actually takes to get a project done (lots of time/man hours) I’ve been a car builder for 40 years so I can attest to that! When all these one week car build shows started to appear I had many people actually think it only takes a week or so to build a car. That’s Hollywood & Fantasy land!

    • @burleigh604
      @burleigh604 3 года назад

      Go to Bad Obsession youtube they have been putting a Japanese 4 wheel drive system into a 1960s mini. nearly 40 episodes and 5 yrs later it has just finished. brilliant series

  • @eppyz
    @eppyz 3 года назад +22

    A couple of things....1st. Having Paul in the show makes it better. I have always felt that Edd and mainly seen behind the scenes Paul were the backbone of Wheeler Dealers. Not mocking Mike, its just he is a salesman, Edd and Paul fix stuff. The best part of Wheeler Dealers was the fixing of stuff and now we have it. Thanks Edd and Paul. 2nd I like how Edd isn't just sticking to cars. Yes I am a car freak and love them, but throwing in a motorbike, a mechanical orange, and now a boat? The Land Rover Build too is just EPIC. Just makes things more interesting and not so redundant. Lastly, Thank You for showing how things are done. Not this, we fixed it didn't have time to show you onto the next thing, like wheeler dealers did. On Edd's show he takes his time and actually explains things, the mechanicals, the why's and why not's. That is important. Paul is a great addition, and Edd is giving him some spotlight on this show and I am happy to see that. Paul is so knowledgeable and sarcastic at times, the Ying to Edd's Yang (no offense) Paul just makes this show that much better. Much Love to you all from the USA, Be Safe out there. We ALL need to look out for one another. Doesn't matter which side of the pond you are from, under GOD's Eye, we are all Family. Now back to work guys!!!! haha

  • @stace5676
    @stace5676 3 года назад +99

    Just a hint regarding removing a steel bolt or stud from an aluminium part. Aluminium expands at a greater rate than steel when heated, therefore it's best to heat up the aluminium part which will generally expand the hole and crack any corrosion between the aluminium and the steel bolt. WD 40 or similar can be sprayed on the threads and as the air in the pocket behind the bolt cools it will draw the lubricant further into the threads. To assist further spray freeze can be sprayed onto the bolt near the part which will shrink the bolt a little in the hole.
    The down side to heating the bolt to a red heat or more and then quenching it with lubricant can make it brittle and more likely to break when trying to undo it.

    • @stevehancock1698
      @stevehancock1698 3 года назад +8

      yep what you said heat the Aluminium did this for years on big diesels 3406 cat 400 Cummins Detroits etc good laugh watching them struggle tho lol

    • @grantperkins368
      @grantperkins368 3 года назад +5

      Yeah a little bit of logic goes a long way

    • @marcelomolonbarbosa2666
      @marcelomolonbarbosa2666 3 года назад +2

      Brake fluid is best to remove years rust

    • @Ampex196
      @Ampex196 3 года назад +2

      As Spike Milligan once said, " you can't argue with facts like that".

    • @gonefilming2020
      @gonefilming2020 3 года назад +5

      How does this myth about WD40 being some sort of "lubricant" still hold up with so many people?
      It stands for "Water Displacement 40th try at the formula". Marketing is apparently everything...

  • @adrianflower3230
    @adrianflower3230 3 года назад +7

    Just spent 20 minutes watching 2 blokes fight a seized stud. I have no idea why I found that entertaining, but it was 😂😂🤣🤣👍👍👍

  • @Oliverdobbins
    @Oliverdobbins 3 года назад +2

    So a boat now as well, huh? Along with the complete rebuild of a Range Rover, the Mustang, the Mini, the Alvis (don’t think the internet has forgotten about that), the Orange, the drop tank off a Tornado, the Monkey bike and all the racking for the tools. And it’ll all be ready by Tuesday. But! First things first - build a coffee table out of a knackered V12. What a show! 👍🏻

  • @terry5787
    @terry5787 3 года назад +39

    I've come to the conclusion that tools move themselves.
    Yesterday a simple job of removing my front bumper (or that's what I thought)
    A few basic tools would suffice surely?
    When I had finished my driveway looked like a looted Halfords, tools everywhere!
    Thanks for the content Edd.

    • @rickh6963
      @rickh6963 3 года назад +2

      So true Terry, So very, very true!

    • @glynjones8187
      @glynjones8187 3 года назад +2

      Haha every time I do a job 👍😂

    • @stuartd9741
      @stuartd9741 3 года назад +2

      Lol that is the Mechanic's way.
      Tools everywhere.!

    • @briandawkins984
      @briandawkins984 3 года назад +2

      Tools, they get together and multiply 😁

    • @Vggincidently
      @Vggincidently 3 года назад +1

      Did a job for a friend a couple of summers back. It involved removing a bumper. The solution included my Jeep and a tow strap!

  • @ChristianGurney
    @ChristianGurney 3 года назад +4

    I like the addition of Paul to the show. I always thought he seemed like a guy I’d enjoy sharing a beer with.

  • @MattTester
    @MattTester 3 года назад +135

    The start of this video pretty much describes the way I do things. "I'm going to tidy up tools" followed by being immediately being distracted.

    • @cruachan1191
      @cruachan1191 3 года назад +6

      I either do that, or spend hours rearranging my tools in to what seems at the time like a more sensible layout, but of course means I can't find anything the next time I have a job to do

    • @dsmithwc04
      @dsmithwc04 3 года назад

      Lol. So true!!!

    • @artjag1
      @artjag1 3 года назад

      I am the same totally... unfortunately.... hate clean ups

  • @SlipShodBob
    @SlipShodBob 3 года назад +16

    From your first episodes it is easy to see the difference having Paul back in the workshop has had as Edd seems a lot more happy and all-round cheerier that I am guessing that there is a lot more banter etc behind the scene.

  • @N8dizzle4rizzle
    @N8dizzle4rizzle 3 года назад +41

    My favorite part of the week, when the new episode gets posted! I’m loving how this show is evolving. Keep up the great work

  • @hughoneill2295
    @hughoneill2295 3 года назад +1


  • @Ultradrew-TheMetalDrummer
    @Ultradrew-TheMetalDrummer 3 года назад +5

    Paul adds a whole other dimension to the show. It's obvious these guys have a great time working together

  • @bar1066
    @bar1066 3 года назад +6

    One of my favourite episodes, because we have all been there. "I've started it so I'm going to finish it, even if it kills me"! 😂 Paul seems like he is a hard worker, the type you would " stand a pint" for on Friday after work, just out of appreciation for his efforts during the week.

  • @wortexinternational2598
    @wortexinternational2598 3 года назад +8

    It is so refreshing to see that 2 pro mechanic , and one of them being the famous Edd China , can also struggle with a pesky stud. You do not know how happy it makes us regular folks. Sometimes when i start a relatively simple job and wife asks, how long will it take ? When I'd say 30-40min tops, she always smiles and say ok. See you in 2-3h then. Hate to admit but she has been right more then not. Such simple jobs can turn into a nightmare with one or many stubborn bolts, studs, an inaccessible bolt/nut, etc. I noticed that shows almost never shows any struggle, even though there probably many are. On WD everything always worked out just fine :-) Glad to see it isn't always easy, even with fancy tools. Thank you for the honest shows !

  • @lucitribal
    @lucitribal 3 года назад +5

    I'm really happy to see Edd and Paul working together on stuff again

  • @houseofno
    @houseofno 3 года назад +28

    Love this. I love V12s and my father is a boat enthusiast. This was a wonderful Christmas gift. Thank you Edd and Paul!
    Regarding stuck bolts, here's an idea. After welding the two nuts to the bolt and allowing that to cool, use either a CO2 fire extinguisher or a can of refrigerant, and spray on the bolt only. You can use a sheet of cardboard to shield the block from the CO2 or refrigerant (wear protective equipment when using refrigerant as it can cause burn injuries or eye injuries - CO2 is relatively safe as long as you don't touch it or breathe it). Once the bolt is sufficiently cold, apply heat to the area of the block where the bolt is seated. The science here is to get the bolt supercold to cause the bolt to contract slightly while heating the aluminum, expanding it just enough to free the bolt. Hope this helps.

    • @allt-under-solen
      @allt-under-solen 3 года назад +3

      Exactly, metal expands of heat so heating the bolt is wrong. Heat the engine block, try to cold the bolt and give the bolt a hard punch before try to remove.

    • @TSPhotoAtlanta
      @TSPhotoAtlanta 3 года назад

      Given that, how about a v-12 boat? That might get it planing! (Hydrofoil, even)

  • @gclarkesmith
    @gclarkesmith 3 года назад +7

    Paul gets better with every episode - what a great addition to have him on camera “presenting”…and designing tables?! Love the show!

  • @TheGramophoneGirl
    @TheGramophoneGirl 3 года назад +5

    5:00 Love this bit where you use metric. It's so frustrating when watching videos from the US where they use the old measurements and I haven't a clue what they're on about. "It's cold today at 34 degrees"???? or "This bolt is 7 and 4 thousaths"???? So thank you for using metric and letting our American friends do the googling for a change ;)

  • @jameslaurencesmith7537
    @jameslaurencesmith7537 3 года назад +1


  • @brianmcintyre14
    @brianmcintyre14 3 года назад +4

    It's great having Paul on the videos, seems like a good bloke, just wants to get on and do a good job, & not arsed about playing up for the camera
    I know he's not on this video but it's also good to see John's wackiness and good humour from time to time :)

  • @671021
    @671021 3 года назад +2

    A V12 coffee table!!what a great idea!!can`t wait to see it done

  • @malcolmlane-ley2044
    @malcolmlane-ley2044 3 года назад +12

    That boat is adorable and I can't wait to see what you do to power it now you've learned so much about electric motors. Wow 4K! Paul's beard in incredible detail

    • @stuartd9741
      @stuartd9741 3 года назад +2

      400hp Tesla motor!😱

  • @petergreen1265
    @petergreen1265 3 года назад +2

    After wheeler dealers I thought that Paul had found alternative employment - image how pleased I was to see him in this - great - love the show lads

  • @iknowyouarebutwhatami1181
    @iknowyouarebutwhatami1181 3 года назад +18

    I’d make the coffee table somewhat “exploded” in that I’d use longer booker rod, and float the head above the block with maybe a couple inch gap. Use a couple of piston inside so they can be seen.

    • @Deckzwabber
      @Deckzwabber 3 года назад +1

      That sounds like it's going to make for a very cool table indeed

  • @deantalbotdrums
    @deantalbotdrums 3 года назад

    Keep them coming chaps. The Edd and Paul show is the natural evolution of the Wheeler Dealers era. The best saved ‘til last!

  • @TheKRU251
    @TheKRU251 3 года назад +11

    Love the variety of this show Ed.
    That boat is going to be a great project. Looking forward to the refurb!!!!

  • @ralphdelauretis6587
    @ralphdelauretis6587 3 года назад +1

    Thanks so much for bringing Paul back in the fold. If you ever want to do a show on plastic printing I suggest you get yourself a Lancia Montecarlo. Half of that car is unobtainable plastic trim.

  • @callumbush1
    @callumbush1 3 года назад +6

    It's good to see the dynamic duo back together again!

  • @lisab3396
    @lisab3396 3 года назад +2

    At the beginning of this video, I was totally amazed at all the lovely equipment you have. As I grew up many a moon ago, I never had such amazing and convenient luxury!
    @16:58 I just have to comment.... I learnt that (in this situation) you heat up the stud and the casing equally to expand the metals, THEN you cool the stud rapidly to shrink it and thus breaking the seized bond! AND then using the wench 😆 to remove the stud! OK carry on....

  • @steverenold1699
    @steverenold1699 3 года назад +11

    go on paul loving your work

  • @trojanhorsey
    @trojanhorsey 3 года назад +1

    Cant wait to see you fix that boat up with your craftmanship and eye for detail I'm sure it will be killer.

  • @100mvua
    @100mvua 3 года назад +23

    yes so it wasnt a "structured"car or engine rebuild but just good old engineering and i would suggest its what a lot of retired "old farts" like me want to see !!. this content is EXACTLY what was taken out of WD , and with it its heart , hope the channel goes from strengh to strengh . if you havent subscribe .. SUBSCRIBE !!

  • @peterlabiak1051
    @peterlabiak1051 3 года назад +1

    LOL, heating up the studs to extract them, priceless! Heated bolt expands and wedges itself into threads quite nicely:) A wild idea - what about heating up the block where the hole for the stud is and freezing the bolt? Hole expands, bolts shrinks and comes out with no effort. Also, squirting penetrants on few hundred degrees hot bolt is not only pointless as it evaporates instantly doing absolute zilch but also rather unhealthy and dangerous. You had a bad day chaps ? :D

  • @Geto-Dac
    @Geto-Dac 3 года назад +4

    best show so far! that boat is beautiful, cant wait to see more

  • @AB-ku4my
    @AB-ku4my 3 года назад +1

    This all started so well, then I spotted the BL logo on the piece that Paul had just finished blasting, at 5:47, and my enthusiasm transfered entirely to the boat. I've liked boats since I was a tiny person, so I am rekindled.

  • @dgu4644
    @dgu4644 3 года назад +4

    I enjoy watching you guys working on projects, but Paul and Edd Screw Around is a fun show.

  • @manicoptio9305
    @manicoptio9305 3 года назад

    If the range rover adventure, the rally mini, The mini bike, the outspan, the mustang and the addition of Paul wasn't enough.. you bring out a goddang boat to fix up. This channel just gets better and better. Here's to 2022!

  • @coreyennis9411
    @coreyennis9411 3 года назад +4

    That cleaning was quite satisfying! Looking forward to the boat work.

  • @DarrenCorman
    @DarrenCorman 3 года назад +2

    I'm glad that Paul is featured on your channel....I always felt he was left out on Wheeler Dealers.

  • @noelcastle3986
    @noelcastle3986 3 года назад +3

    Another great episode , the chemistry of long mateship between you guys shows . Good way to demonstrate tools and techniques in a interesting way showing that things don't always go well but perseverance pays off the end. The boat looks interesting a electrical as well as mechanical project look forward to it. Thanks Edd and of course Paul..

  • @rickwalling1148
    @rickwalling1148 3 года назад +1

    Ed is so easily distracted! So much for picking up all the parts and tools laying around. Guess he really doesn’t need tool boxes as a cardboard box would doing just fine! Cmon ED your a pro

  • @jjhonb
    @jjhonb 3 года назад +3

    I have to admit I always love Paul being in the show and missed him when it all changed,but now it’s great to see him,as he was and Is part of the team proper(hi Paul,and Ed).
    Please continue playing with your nuts(ohh err).

    @MOSSFEEN 3 года назад +2

    Ah Yes Friday night wouldnt be the same without EDD & PAUL Another Fantastic video Thank You

  • @capnthepeafarmer
    @capnthepeafarmer 3 года назад +6

    I've used the double nut method for years, but I've only recently started to use stud extractors and they are far more reliable, at least the good ones that is. The two type I've used are the ones which actually screw onto the stud and put it into a bind, and the other is the roller bearing type which sort of cam locks into place. They've been much faster and more effective than the double nut method.

  • @jacksagrafsky4936
    @jacksagrafsky4936 3 года назад +1

    Good show. Starts out with "lets tidy", followed by water blasting, a boat, induction heating for frozen studs, some Q&A, tea, and no Land Rover, some wonderful interaction between Edd and Paul. And finally saying "that's for another day". Cant wait guys thanks for the best thing to come along since....well sliced bread!!

    • @eddchina
      @eddchina  3 года назад +1

      Thank you so much but surely toast is the best thing sliced bread?! Very chuffed to be up there with toast though! Thanks.

  • @petepetrini9759
    @petepetrini9759 3 года назад +3

    Love the new format, Edd and Paul are so good together. Great show look forward to it every week. Need some heat in the work shop -Ha!

    • @eddchina
      @eddchina  3 года назад +2

      We do indeed, why do you think Paul preferred to huddle around some warm studs!

  • @marcnairn5570
    @marcnairn5570 3 года назад +1

    Cmon Edd, never mind heating the studs, I think the workshop could use some, poor Paul's never got his jacket off! Love the show guys and shout to Mrs China for her efforts as well 😊👍

  • @dedasdude
    @dedasdude 3 года назад +3

    Paul is a natural online personality!!

  • @nemz7505
    @nemz7505 3 года назад +1

    This is the kind of entertainment television completely gets wrong, cheers guys it was fun to see the struggles and successes.

  • @douglascarson1875
    @douglascarson1875 3 года назад +14

    Loving this show. Edd and Paul make a brilliant partnership and I can't wait to see how the show developed. Keep up the great work and Merry Christmas when it comes.

  • @creekdweller9662
    @creekdweller9662 3 года назад

    Ed, it’s great to see you spinning wrenches again on TV. You are such a great mechanic

  • @jimmcleskey4927
    @jimmcleskey4927 3 года назад +3

    Hi Edd and Paul - I enjoy the show and it is so cool to have Paul on camera (and talking!). I have used an old red pipe wrench to grab studs. Works better than the Vice grips. I fit a piece of pipe over the handle to make it even longer.

  • @hughoneill2295
    @hughoneill2295 3 года назад +1

    At one point in the show when Paul was blasting the V12 and Edd was showing us the boat, I thouht 'surely not, they are not going to install a Jaguar V12 engine in that boat, are they'? Great show, Edd and Paul make a preat partnership, not forgetting curmudgeonly old John who owns the Range Rover!

  • @ro63rto
    @ro63rto 3 года назад +14

    Another entertaining episode.
    Happy Christmas to Edd, Paul and the rest of your crew.

  • @richardross7219
    @richardross7219 3 года назад +1

    Been through this kind of thing many times. I soak the stud with PB Blaster for as long as I can. When fighting with the stud, I heat it, shut off the torch, wait until the heat flows into the block, soak the stud with water, and put torque on the stud. There is a brief time when the stud cools but the block is still hot. The stud is easiest to back off at that point. Its a very satisfying point when suddenly you can back out the stud. Good Luck, Rick

  • @jonuca
    @jonuca 3 года назад +4

    Well done Edd.
    It's very nice to see you involved in so many projects.
    I love you show.

  • @ZeffyZ
    @ZeffyZ 3 года назад +2

    Satisfying to see the show taking off and your enjoyment from it. Fixing and selling stuff now also makes sense, especially with Paul on board. We all want it to do as well as possible.

  • @zeroparity
    @zeroparity 3 года назад +3

    What a perfect end to the week. Thanks, Edd + Paul.

  • @bikersreview383
    @bikersreview383 3 года назад

    Thanks Edd and Paul for showing us the reality of rebuilding old engines. Anyone can read and follow the simple steps in a Haynes manual, but what most vehicle restoration programs don’t show is that the majority of time can be spent overcoming problems with fasteners that are striped, rounded, seized or broken off. In a future edition I would welcome showing a few more technics such as using easy outs, stud extractors and the inevitable helicoil.

    • @eddchina
      @eddchina  3 года назад

      Used a TimeSert on the rally Mini and yes, I am sure we will cover many more m those in the future.

  • @RedLP5000S
    @RedLP5000S 3 года назад +3

    I absolutely adore this channel. Edd and Paul are the greatest team on the planet. I get so excited when a new episode pops up. 👌🏻🇺🇸

  • @brianreardon159
    @brianreardon159 3 года назад +2

    Two men who understand and love engine's. Spend hour's removing studs that an interior designer would have have taken, off with an angle grinder in 10 minutes. Result? absolutely brilliant 👏

  • @leostile8857
    @leostile8857 3 года назад +5

    Wow what a great video guys, thoroughly enjoyed watching that, I was cheering you on getting the studs out🤣👍

  • @johndavies7692
    @johndavies7692 3 года назад +2

    I have a parts cleaner in my workshop and have learned from bad experience to put a clean water jet on the sight screen when operating the wiper blade otherwise the aggregate in the wash scratches the screen, resulting in expensive replacement and the obvious loss of visibility before the replacement.
    Love the show, can’t wait to see work start on the boat. Li on batteries with a motor to get it planing. Love the thought.

  • @subwooferbone
    @subwooferbone 3 года назад +5

    My fave stud removal tool: Sealey AK718. That and an impact gun gets most studs out in a jiffy, provided you get the jaws fairly close to the root of the stud.
    The head studs on a VW WBX still took a lot persuasion to come out, the studs are so long and thin they only work as torsion springs.

    • @hazzalandy
      @hazzalandy 3 года назад

      Same tool used for the same job! Great bit of kit, useful on small nuts too

  • @thekeenmoron1900
    @thekeenmoron1900 3 года назад +1

    TOP TIP: When attempting to remove stubborn studs, always try to be as close to the 'base' as possible so you do not loose energy through the studs length. Not always possible but a good stud extractor would help. Bloomin hell, I here telling King Ed and Prince Paul tips 🤭🤭🤭

  • @alesisplayer2493
    @alesisplayer2493 3 года назад +86

    Hi Edd, Paul that Jaguar table is going to look sweet when done, I've just had an idea for your glass , when you have decided what shape your glass is going to be, why not get the glass engraved with Jaguar emblem, and maybe an engraving of the type of car the engine came from?
    Love the show and a Merry Christmas to all your cast and crew.

    • @rickh6963
      @rickh6963 3 года назад +2

      Good idea!

    • @willemp6432
      @willemp6432 3 года назад +1

      I like your idea Alesis.....good one..👍

    • @Mtlmshr
      @Mtlmshr 3 года назад +1

      That’s a great idea!

  • @Rudd3r
    @Rudd3r 3 года назад +1

    So glad to see Edd and Paul back together again. You guys look like you have a blast (ey) all the time.

  • @peteledwidge3631
    @peteledwidge3631 3 года назад +3

    Haha! I love how Edd said they were going to tidy up, then they proceeded to do nothing of the sort... Whenever I threaten to tidy my garage, I always find an inordinate amount of broken items to fix and end up procrastinating on the cleanup! Fixing stuff is way more fun! 😁

  • @MrAsBBB
    @MrAsBBB 3 года назад +1

    I didn’t think I would get to see a boat but bravo. Can just see Edd motoring along in it!

    • @eddchina
      @eddchina  3 года назад

      Not until it’s refurbished though! Job for a number of other days!!

  • @mattyp80
    @mattyp80 3 года назад +4

    Edd, as an aircraft mechanic/engineer, I was most confused by your attempts of getting the studs out by heating the studs themselves! I can see the point of warming the stud to melt the stud lock but surely it would have been quicker to heat the block and maybe applying a freeze spray on the stud?!?

    • @warm332
      @warm332 3 года назад

      Agreed. Heating and quenching the studs is nowhere near as effective as to locally heating the block (expanding the diameter of the tapped hole ever so slightly) while rapidly cooling the stud (shrinking its diameter). With the studs being made out of a steel alloy also means that that they will not rob too much of the blocks heat too quickly, allowing some time for the trick to work.

  • @tonyhezemans4494
    @tonyhezemans4494 3 года назад +1

    Good on ya Ed for convincing the people above that solving problems regardless how unimportant to some people they may be, it’s refreshing watching you guys struggle on those studs, me sitting back thinking yeah next I probably weld,which ironically solved my very stubborn diff plug stripped hex corners, but as life shows us, “you learn something everyday” doing a runner and out-sourcing +brilliant, now for ezy putting a rattle gun snap stud yippee

  • @LievenRobert
    @LievenRobert 3 года назад +3

    Hey Ed and Paul!
    Nice to see more and more of the work from Paul in this new series!!! And he gets more custom to the camera and explain things!
    Love to see old school knowledge at work! Keep on going guys!! Do what you love and like that's the best to look at and learn some to.
    Keep on going and greetings from a long time viewer across the north sea @ Holland 💪

  • @kastooMcFry
    @kastooMcFry 3 года назад +1

    I was prepared to hear the dreaded 'tick' sound and the wrench to go flying but you guys did great! Thanks for taking us along, guys.

  • @jeremyfdavies
    @jeremyfdavies 3 года назад +3

    Well, that was one heck of a smorgasbord of an episode... must admit though, the water blasting had me transfixed. Could have watched that all day long! Happy Christmas, Ed, great videos and keep them coming.

  • @ericwiltz6584
    @ericwiltz6584 3 года назад +1

    With the Torch, you're expanding the bolt. If you apply dry ice to the bolt and heat the block with the torch you'll find those will back out. You can use the same method for removing stuck pistons. Pack the underside with dry ice and you can usually pond them out. Love the program.

    • @eddchina
      @eddchina  3 года назад

      Maybe we’ll try that next time…

  • @michaelwelly9638
    @michaelwelly9638 3 года назад +3

    Edd, I am very excited to see the boat project enter the shop! It is a bit perplexing to see such a poor design in the original stern deck hatch, especially given the consequences that ended up coming true. Having worked on boats for most of my life I can attest that the V12 block bolt removal will be great practice for the inevitable stuck fasteners for a project from a marine environment, especially one that resided under water for even a bit. Thanks for doing what you do!

  • @truckerallikatuk
    @truckerallikatuk 3 года назад +2

    37:02 I love it when a weld comes together :)

  • @black328is
    @black328is 3 года назад +6

    The problems with the studs Paul was trying to remove could have been from heating the stud instead of the casting. Rapid cooling might have done the same thing. The hole has to enlarge from the heat and not the stud.

    • @martins4831
      @martins4831 3 года назад

      Exactly what I was going to suggest. Heat the block to make it expand, not the studs. Especially aluminium which expands more than steel. If necessary heat the block and freeze the studs!

    • @black328is
      @black328is 3 года назад

      @@martins4831 I remember some automotive company selling aerosol cans with refrigerant to do just that.

  • @michaelpepper5495
    @michaelpepper5495 3 года назад +2

    Hi Ed I have built a similar Coffee table. Mine is a Jag AJ 4.0 V8 it's a bare block powder coated in gun metal grey with silver on all the cylinder head mating surfaces and the same grey in the bores I used the pistons as you have to hold the glass top. I think mine is just about the right hight and looks great in the front room(the wife wanted a new suite so I said only if I can have a coffee table, she expected an oak thing but she's got to love it now.) Maybe it's the 8 bottles of wine that fit in the bores. I would send you a picture but that's too technical for me.

    • @eddchina
      @eddchina  3 года назад

      Loving the wine rack idea!

  • @frankdogau
    @frankdogau 3 года назад +10

    Merry Christmas Edd, Paul and production team! Loving the show and have been watching since ep 1. Here in Aus I wake up to each new episode on a Saturday morning, so it’s now a regular part of my Saturday morning ritual. The shooting and editing has gotten tighter over time and as a TV guy, I appreciate you going to the effort of producing in 4K. Looks great on the iPad and the TV. Looking forward to continuing my ritual in 2022! Happy New Year!

    • @eddchina
      @eddchina  3 года назад +3

      Thanks very much, have a great Christmas and New Year yourself!

  • @Nellyboy1971
    @Nellyboy1971 3 года назад +2

    Absolutely great having Paul on the team again

  • @shawnuff1974
    @shawnuff1974 3 года назад +12

    Wheeler Dealers sucks without you.

  • @kevlec1947
    @kevlec1947 3 года назад +2

    Great job with the Aqua Blaster Paul. Stay Safe Edd + Paul. you two guys work sooooooo well together.

  • @TastierBackInThe80s
    @TastierBackInThe80s 3 года назад +11

    Re-introducing Paul into the formula highlights who was doing the bulk of the work on Wheeler Dealers, and who were the MVPs. And it wasn't Brewer.

  • @ricardiagnostics
    @ricardiagnostics 3 года назад +2

    Really love Show Ed, and having Paul back is even better

  • @roxorange6022
    @roxorange6022 3 года назад +4

    Loving how you mix it up with all the different projects Edd. Looking forward to seeing how the coffee table evolves. Can't wait to see the slipper launch getting her makeover. I do also particularly like that dreadnought bow. Let's see her transform from battle-weary to a sexy little beast. Can just imagine you with captain's hat on planing down river. Merry Christmas to one and all :D

  • @Eric_Fate
    @Eric_Fate 3 года назад +1

    Your version of procrastination is so much more productive than my version. Must be all the tea.

  • @williammiller8317
    @williammiller8317 3 года назад +9

    My experience removing bolts or studs from exhaust manifolds was to heat the ears on the manifold and NOT the bolt or stud. Using this method my boss managed to remove successfully a bolt with the shaft as thin as pencil lead with the threads still! attached. 👀😳😀

    • @larrymonaghan7318
      @larrymonaghan7318 3 года назад +1

      I agree but keep the heat on the aluminum while busting loose…

    • @terrabiker
      @terrabiker 3 года назад +2

      Actually , Paul made the heating all wrong , if you're removing such a bolt physics tells us you should cool the bolt to shrink it and heat up the block to expand it....he was heating up the stud practically making it expand in the thread even more thus making it even harder to make it loose. Heat works on nuts bcs you want the nut to loosen it's grip.

    • @williammiller8317
      @williammiller8317 3 года назад

      @@terrabiker Exactly! 👍

    • @williammiller8317
      @williammiller8317 3 года назад

      @@larrymonaghan7318 Bingo! 👍

  • @nickreadings4982
    @nickreadings4982 3 года назад +1

    Its nice to see Paul and Edd back together tinkering

  • @dale3champ4ever47
    @dale3champ4ever47 3 года назад +3

    Long time fan first time commenting. Great to see You and Paul together again. Doing your own thing. P.s. the water boat is beautiful. Can't wait to see her done. 😍

  • @RustyBonnet
    @RustyBonnet 3 года назад +1

    ooooo, that aqua blaster is so satisfying to watch.

  • @TheNorthernmunky
    @TheNorthernmunky 3 года назад +3

    Amazingly awesome video Ed 👍🏼

  • @gbraadnl
    @gbraadnl 3 года назад +1

    Enjoying these videos more and more. Appreciate you intermix with other topics now, but still staying focused on the narrative.

  • @mrsmith4662
    @mrsmith4662 3 года назад +3

    That stud in the aluminium block reminded me of trying to get an aluminium seat post out of a steel bike frame. The bimetalic corrosion leads to seemingly any method (+ brute force) resulting in the destruction of both.

    • @stuartd9741
      @stuartd9741 3 года назад +1

      Heating it up and spraying release fluid in-between the frame and seat post should help as it's warm the fluid can penetrate easier.

  • @JLee-JLee1
    @JLee-JLee1 3 года назад +1

    Lol Edd sleeping while Paul remove the studs 🤣😂

  • @alexmcandrew8370
    @alexmcandrew8370 3 года назад +4

    How about scrapping the table idea, refurbishing the V12 and putting it in the boat 😎

    • @eddchina
      @eddchina  3 года назад +3

      Nice idea but maybe a bit heavy

  • @owenreutens7915
    @owenreutens7915 3 года назад +1

    Yes Yes Yes !!.... A boat ... Looking forward to seeing it completed .... :)