@Funni Doggo I did a race and my traxas XMAX won and my other rc car idk what model it is but it was a close race I think the rc car that lost it looked like a Dodge Ram 1500
Alright Cobra, don’t attack me this ti- OH (Cobra attacks me and pushes me off the top step causing me to fall down 12 stairs) ( visibly annoyed) Cobra, really?
He treats them as his kids,THATS SO CUTE-
3:37-3:40 the cutest thing slash has ever done ❤
This guy is so much funny and positive. I wish you,slash,tiger and your other rc cars all the best! U make my day every time!
Hi say/is better
Slash is the cutest little car ever
True and tiger too
Slash is the cute little rc car ❤️ in 3:27 pm
This is so cute wth-
It is and i like it
It's not cute ITS ADORABLE
No und
I like the part where slash falls and slash goes like “... WE DID IT.IM THE FAMOUS RC CAR”
Its so just satisfying seeing him talk to a truck
@@Xavier-Ksavier i agree
Yes it is Xavier battulga
@@Teslaroadster80 It's Redbull Car's opinion and his opinion leave them alone
@@xxunknownxx1986 ah ok :
I like both of y’all, including when you’re so silly because when. Slash and tiger go. Shopping
“I WANNA PLAY ROCKET LEAGUE” that was the best
Fr. Now I want to grind after four weeks of taking a break from it
This video just made my day better
It’s so funny how slashes just chilling on the table, saying peace and quiet 6:01
“Number four don’t crash” proceeded to crash into stuff
5:13 the sound that tiger said was soooooo cute
How am I falling in love with an adorable inanimate object??? He's not even real and somehow I see him as a child.
*I need therapy*
Shush this is therapy
@@markolukac1980 how you do dat
@@markolukac1980 what you said last time was invisible
@@shawnbew6246 Its because your screen is glitched
Ive seen the beginning of this, missed out on a lot of it, and now i am back lovin it
Cars can be cute too
edit: i cant believe this is my most liked comment 💀(Cars still are cute)
Love what u are doin man! You bring these rc cars into talking robots witch is an amazing idea! It’s really cool!
I love watching this guy play with the trucks it's so cute
you got a new friend
*proceeds to crash on him*
These are too wholesome to handle
Cool and funny compilation of vids.
This man has made me want an rc car of my own
Guten überlegt habe ich noch überlegt und zwar für euch in unserem 😱 😱 organisiert in
Hallo wollte wissen 2 Wer kennt sich da nicht so
W ist die ideale Wahl zwischen der in dem der 2 1o in sich steht 92 und ist dem den der
I like the “321GO”
0:47 your voice when slash races with car, it's funny
Man we love you and slash😃
This is so wholesome
Rule number 4: no crash- *crashes
3:03 omg i had that book when I was a kid I think I still have it
Ripoff blaze
That is actually crazy. I kinda want that book now😂
Me:Hey mum I want rocket league
Mum:We have rocket league at home
Rocket league at home:
*Hits* “Ow why did you do that”
Me: BeCaUsE hEs AnNoYeD
im dying
I think the car should call him father
U guys deserved 23k subscriber's :3
I love this!
4:22 when you see your best friend for the long time
5:23 crazy RC car LOL 😂
Slash is having fun always☺️
And I also like the part where tiger goes like “HELLO NEW FRIEND” and he flips
Hahaha right it’s funny
I love your videos so much
“Mom i want rocket league”
Mom: “we have rocket league at home”
Rocket league at home:
Rocket league is free tho
@@Name-zj7ir you cant take a joke?
@@Cocoosama so I think it became free I wasn’t sure so I was asking
@Funni Doggo i have a 2 rc cars
@Funni Doggo I did a race and my traxas XMAX won and my other rc car idk what model it is but it was a close race I think the rc car that lost it looked like a Dodge Ram 1500
Mike: rule number 4; dont cra- * crashes into a cabinet door *
me in Extreme car Driving: *attempts to literally fly a car*
Car: *Attempts to do the same*
@Alex Carmona yea, well sometimes lol
*Spamming the reset button to make the car fly intensifies*
Bro this guy raises his rc car like his son its the cutest thing ever
This made my day and it’s so cute
mike reading the story to slash "axel the to get drty, he loves the mud. he likes to go gulp gulp"
Awww Slash got a new friend :D
Now tiger is in the family :D
thanks for making me happy with my rc car named shark!😀
I like how slash is the one who thinks he can do anything but tiger tells the truth if he is stuck in the snow or not lol
It's not a mistake🌌 It's a MASTERPIECE🌌
@@milenakot1466 !toB
I like it
I love when slash wants to go outside and he just hit the gas so hard that its soo fast 🤣🤣🤣🤣
“I wanna play rocket league”. edit: 0:56
No you cant slash
You dont have any thumbs
Frend me
I play rocket league. Just telling you.
Why do I love this
Slash: Im not stuck
Tiger: very truth full says his stuck
He's so cute to say no ween he meet tiger 🐅 😂🥰
I wish i will have a car like one of yours! They always entertain me and they seem fun.
That drift sick though
A very good reason why I want a rc car of my own
Yoooo love the vids
Also the dp merch!
Awww i remember being friends with all my toys And talking to them.
@@noelgrant4236 bro there's nothing wrong whith that I used to talk with my toys to
I love your videos keep up the good work
I love this he treats them like a kid and the orange one is so cute
Tiger yea
Tiger coot
I love when he said I WANNA PLAY ROCKET LEAUGE
Lol same
Awesome slash!!!!
Your car is sooo!! cute and you new friend also
I love this content it a one of a kind
Awwww the lil guy is cuter then a cat
Rule number 4 dont crash-
The first season of a drifting friend
Their so cute together the RC car will be sad when this
Legend passes
It makes sense because slash likes to go fast and likes to race too
I want a rc car
This looks 🤩 fun 🤩
Can you take them on a road trip?
ᴅᴏ ɪ
Best you tuber to calm you down and make you happy results:mike howl confirmed
4:37 I'm happy slash gets a new friend
I am a big fan love slash good energy
I’ve been watching these since they came out 😂
You make the best RC videos
My addiction to this channel all started before. When i watched part 6. Where slash meets tiger
Me too lol
Me to
I was literally doing the gritty after this to dance with them
Awwwww new friend rc
Nice ❤️❤️❤️
You re back happy 4th they are heatwave visual sunglasses ❤
This journey is that so ✨*_wholesome*_✨.
This is too wholesome
Man, this is the RC life
Lol at 0:55 it's funny because he said he wants to play rocket league cuz he's a car
slash talking brings him to life
5:23 wow tiger went like 50000000mph
Slash is the true star of the show
4:19 : The legendary RC burnout
Awwwwww cutey track :3 hugs ^_^
I love Slash and Mike❤️
I love when slash says I WANT TO PLAY ROCKET LEAGUE
But I don't have fingers :(
Alright Cobra, don’t attack me this ti- OH (Cobra attacks me and pushes me off the top step causing me to fall down 12 stairs) ( visibly annoyed) Cobra, really?
i love your vids they are so cool like slash;tiger;conor are sicccccc
“I want to play rocket league”
Congraculations by getting 400K subscribers!
He's the one who inspired me to get an RC car
All of the cars are so cute 🥺🥺