How Narcissistic Husband Treats His Wife 💔 || Billy Graham | Motivational Speech

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 324

  • @beverlydomino5593
    @beverlydomino5593 14 дней назад +78

    This is exactly what I lived for 20 years and it was a complete nightmare . I will never be what I was before him but by the power of God I am healing.

    • @Suzanne-t1l
      @Suzanne-t1l 10 дней назад +1

      🙏 stay strong and single 💪 ❤😂 and celebrate 🎉

    • @jeancurrie1862
      @jeancurrie1862 8 дней назад

      Me too for 30 yrs. Took away my joy!

    • @PinkLady7752
      @PinkLady7752 3 дня назад +1

      You'll be better than before

    • @lidiabirtas8253
      @lidiabirtas8253 2 дня назад

      Me too for 24 years and leaving out with nothing but i work hard and I’m much happier

  • @vickiehurtt-thayer6543
    @vickiehurtt-thayer6543 17 дней назад +43

    This man just explained my entire life during a hellish five year marriage.

  • @---wu3qj
    @---wu3qj 15 дней назад +65

    Narcissists rarely apologize for anything.

    • @FranJones-x7e
      @FranJones-x7e 10 дней назад +1

      So true 👍. Mine has never said he was sorry for anything in 40 yrs. There's been plenty for him for him to apologize for !

    • @Allthingsnicey
      @Allthingsnicey 7 дней назад +3

      Not rarely. Never

    • @christinemccoy4471
      @christinemccoy4471 4 дня назад +2

      Always in a way that it's not an apology

    • @tafaririlings2767
      @tafaririlings2767 3 дня назад


  • @babyplayingpiano9425
    @babyplayingpiano9425 3 дня назад +16

    True statement! This is what I've experienced with my ex husband.

  • @beckymcvey2232
    @beckymcvey2232 21 день назад +75

    100% accurate lived this for 36 years thank God I am free now in Jesus name! ❤🙏🙌

  • @malavikasaikia4759
    @malavikasaikia4759 18 дней назад +37

    Each and every sentence in this video is 200% true. I have gone through all these mental turmoil again and again during last 23 years. Very lately I realised that he is actually a narcissist.

  • @KatieYoungren
    @KatieYoungren 15 дней назад +54

    This is heartbreaking for me 😢. After 30 years, I'm finally seeing and admitting it. 💔

    • @deborahleland8079
      @deborahleland8079 11 дней назад +3

      AMEN. IAM TOO❤

    • @Suzanne-t1l
      @Suzanne-t1l 10 дней назад +2

      Time to HEAL YOU ✨️ ❤🎉

    • @Suzanne-t1l
      @Suzanne-t1l 10 дней назад

      ​@deborahleland8079 💋 ❤ grab your's that time!!

    • @AlephTaV549
      @AlephTaV549 6 дней назад +1

      16 yrs for me. Time to be free in YAHSHUA 🙌🏻📜

    • @happyhealthyblessed
      @happyhealthyblessed 4 дня назад +2

      Stay strong!! You got this! Amen

  • @cindihaeseker7308
    @cindihaeseker7308 2 дня назад +2

    I’ve never had my life put together in this way. This is 100% accurate of my life as a narcissist wife. 28 years wrapped up tightly with a bow on top! Thank you

  • @vikkara2043
    @vikkara2043 17 дней назад +26

    I feel like throwing up when I hear this!! It’s so true I’m having PTSD!! I’m so glad it’s over

  • @SandraKaye56
    @SandraKaye56 6 дней назад +8

    This....brought me to tears. Every single thing that was mentioned, i lived for 44 years. I finally got the courage to leave and of course he begged me to stay, he would change etc. I was still going to leave then the lock down happened. And he has changed, incredibly different...sad thing is I cant seem to love him as a wife should. I feel numb. 6 years retired and im working on learning who i am again.

  • @osikomaiyamarykehinde2115
    @osikomaiyamarykehinde2115 12 дней назад +18

    I lived in this emotional abuse for 46 years. It was really sad and unfortunate. He really made me miserable and shook me to my bones.
    Thank God for some opportunities that showed up, and I keyed into them 🙏. Thank you, Jesus 🙏

  • @evavillacana4280
    @evavillacana4280 12 дней назад +21

    I lived this way for 25 years and when he started to become violently physical with me and after all of our children grew up and left our home, I divorced him. I am a better woman because God got me through it! 🙏

  • @vickiebetz7560
    @vickiebetz7560 19 дней назад +38

    Wow! Ready all the comments. We are many. It took God to free me from such abuse. Described my marriage exactly. Like he was there viewing my life in real time. I was crying through this wondering how i made it through. Thank you Jesus.

  • @purely7762
    @purely7762 18 дней назад +21

    My God!!! Billy Graham spoke this?!? The first minutes in I wanted to say This Is My Marriage!!! All the way Through! I study narcissistic abuse and am still shocked that he stated my 22 years from beginning on. Sadly, some of what he stated the wife believes also has been reinforced by ministers and counselors. I am truly in awe how the Holy Spirit gave this message. If I were in audience I wouldn’t be able to hide. How would these couples sit still hearing this message? I will need to replay this in my ear until….

  • @susanazinger2525
    @susanazinger2525 14 дней назад +42

    This is my story ...he murdered part of me from the inside - out . He murdered my Spirit , and robbed me of the Joy of Living .
    I'll never be the same .
    Maybe , with the help from God , and the comfort from my Spiritual Family, I can rise again . Like a
    Phoenix from the ashes ... ❤

    • @Jennifer-l9n
      @Jennifer-l9n 4 дня назад +3

      Me too :( you will! We will ❤ God Bless

    • @JanaSauer-z9e
      @JanaSauer-z9e 2 дня назад +2

      It's really sad way to exist... 6 months out and I still feel like he's trying to control me.

  • @kathykolsrud9242
    @kathykolsrud9242 4 дня назад +4

    Future faking and gaslighting robbed me of all my dreams and expectations.

  • @lavenderkisses9461
    @lavenderkisses9461 15 дней назад +19

    Wow, the accuracy is uncanny. The glimpses of who he used to be once things turn, just keep you struggling and breaking down year after year until you no longer exist. And then you get to climb out, but you get stronger and stronger with each step trusting yourself again.❤

  • @IdahomeMemaw
    @IdahomeMemaw 5 дней назад +3

    Totally my life with my husband. He never takes responsibility. Never. I don't want to be married to him anymore.

  • @daphnewhitaker7519
    @daphnewhitaker7519 День назад +3

    100 % accurate im in it now it's unreal ....I've been in a 7 year nightmare please please get out if you see any red flags

  • @theresaba67
    @theresaba67 23 дня назад +44

    I understand everything Billy Graham is saying. I'm living this.

  • @burlsink31
    @burlsink31 26 дней назад +130

    I cried the whole way through this truth! I lived this for 38 traumatic years. I will never be the woman I was before him, I lost her a long time ago!! I am changed forever having been treated this horrific and severally abused. I put my faith in the Lord now. Not in a man!

    • @desperatetimes2941
      @desperatetimes2941 25 дней назад +17

      God will restore the years the locust have stolen....just trust him and stay close to him

    • @yemisiadekunle6237
      @yemisiadekunle6237 24 дня назад +5

      hmmm! God is with you

    • @swilson5920
      @swilson5920 22 дня назад +11

      God bless you 🙏🏾 You are not alone😢 42 years. In my prayer to understand, this video pops up as total confirmation of the truth! Keep praying and trusting God 🙏🏾

    • @elongaabigail8636
      @elongaabigail8636 21 день назад +1

      Is he alive?

    • @susancherian9675
      @susancherian9675 21 день назад +10

      Praying for all the narcissistic husbands for their transformation.

  • @graciethankful4643
    @graciethankful4643 7 дней назад +11

    I'm a Child of God highly favored. I refuse to be cut down by him He will REAP what he ows. I'm getting STRONGER 😊😊😅😅😅😅😅😅

    • @GailHiles
      @GailHiles 21 час назад

      AMEN AND AMEN!!❤

  • @merrymary5912
    @merrymary5912 10 дней назад +5

    This is spot on. Every word 100 percent true. Run ladies run and don't look back!

  • @---wu3qj
    @---wu3qj 15 дней назад +7

    If a woman is a Christian, it makes it all the more difficult for her to leave, because she wants to keep her vows to God.

  • @Cupcake41275
    @Cupcake41275 11 дней назад +7

    It became evident my husband was narcissistic when we had children. When I disagreed with anything regarding them there was a huge problem. I never pushed back before, but with my kids, the protective instinct kicked in and that was the end

  • @osikomaiyamarykehinde2115
    @osikomaiyamarykehinde2115 12 дней назад +6

    This is really amazing, comprehensive, and very specific to d main points. Lovely submission. Thank you. The moment I made d bold step to step out of d manipulations, I gained my freedom. I am not only surviving but also living in peace. The joy of d Lord is my strength.

  • @AlephTaV549
    @AlephTaV549 6 дней назад +6

    This is my life; God just pulled the mask, He is my strength and Refuge. I must walk away for my souls sake.

  • @ndnprincess2517
    @ndnprincess2517 17 дней назад +16

    Mine is dead, thank you Lord.

  • @leahingraham5509
    @leahingraham5509 19 дней назад +39

    God delivered me from this. My ex husband nearly destroyed me.. Now I have an amazing godly, loving and extremely patient man that has helped me healed so much.
    Please don't give up. I still have a long way to go but you can heal and find hope in Christ.
    There was a time I wanted to take my life, I was a shell of a person but now I'm coming back to life

    • @annelyseclark3312
      @annelyseclark3312 19 дней назад +8

      I'm so happy for you. It's not for me. Married 32 years and my kids are grown. I choose to stay since I have no other families and I have learned to detached myself more. I have more independence. And God's word and prayers and tears is healing for me.

    • @leahingraham5509
      @leahingraham5509 19 дней назад +1

      @annelyseclark3312 I understand, but just know there are healthy good men out there.
      Don't let that evil steal what God could have for you. Keep your heart soft

  • @Coco-og7zw
    @Coco-og7zw 28 дней назад +115

    This video is 100% ACCURATE, and it plays out EXACTLY in the order in which he's narrating it!!!!

    • @maryloumackelprang5856
      @maryloumackelprang5856 24 дня назад +1

      This was a bit repetitive

    • @lizellevantonder8836
      @lizellevantonder8836 22 дня назад +2


    • @swilson5920
      @swilson5920 22 дня назад +11

      Regardless, some of us live this cruelty every day. Let us have regard and prayers for others. This is real, someone's life 😢

    • @SonyaRichards-lw2ro
      @SonyaRichards-lw2ro 21 день назад +8

      Exactly God is helping me

    • @joycenichols6187
      @joycenichols6187 19 дней назад +6

      They also start fights with everyone you like so you cant have anymore relationships with them.

  • @Yavette1111
    @Yavette1111 День назад

    ❤❤My intuitive nature protected me from him. Feeling blessed and greatful. ❤❤

  • @minnaparker1041
    @minnaparker1041 20 дней назад +17

    Its amazing how spot on this is. So true😢

  • @Fuchsbau101
    @Fuchsbau101 21 день назад +22

    Once she is pregnant, the abuse really kicks in. It's his belief he has her trapped now. It takes years to be free again. The flying monkey he has make it all the more difficult. They enjoy helping.

  • @surv2239
    @surv2239 14 дней назад +8

    Recently he put himself out there to claim I didn't want to be a part of his family or helping him to be what he claimed made himself, him, I recognized his RUclips calling as I was diligent in paying attention to all his needs, and stories. He left me, He never cleaved unto me. Mr. Graham validated everything I lived with for 22.5. He always called me damaged goods. I started to fight back. I tried to get help thinking I had to constantly change and sought advice from even the preacher who performed out marriage ceremony. I stand alone now, I've gotten through my hardship with buring my feelings except for anger and major disdain. I have a lot of healing processes to go through because he wasn't the only one who did all these things and more. I wish he'd heard this for himself as his family was one of the foundational supporters of Mr. Graham.

  • @user-oj6tq6xb7c
    @user-oj6tq6xb7c 25 дней назад +50

    I thank God that I went through this because,I will never fall for it again -I'm free in jesus name 🙏

  • @nancyzammit3298
    @nancyzammit3298 21 день назад +38

    This is me living this nightmare please god hear my prayers 🙏 ❤

    • @violettashalnev3705
      @violettashalnev3705 14 дней назад +2

      Mine tooa. All I want is to be a Christian. And like Joshua said as for me and my house we will serve the Lord

    • @sharondunphy6737
      @sharondunphy6737 12 дней назад +3

      Me too I pray every night for a miracle

    • @gracem6943
      @gracem6943 8 дней назад


    • @happyhealthyblessed
      @happyhealthyblessed 4 дня назад

      Praying for you!!

    • @happyhealthyblessed
      @happyhealthyblessed 4 дня назад

      @@sharondunphy6737praying for you!! 🙏🏻

  • @alysiahite7086
    @alysiahite7086 18 дней назад +12

    Endured 32 years of this. Left 8 years ago. Divorced him 7 years ago. Been healing and doing great with the help & Grace of God. The clarity I have now is absolute. God is so good. It was very hard to stay gone. But I did it. Left 6 other times. 7th time was the final time. Started over at 55 years old. I made mistakes after leaving by trying to get revenge but I learned from them and gave it all to God. He gives the Narcissist the Karma. Our job is to heal. Thank you for this video. It is very affirming. 😍🤗🙏

    • @jeanmarie19
      @jeanmarie19 17 дней назад +1

      Im on a similar timeline with you. I still have bad dreams once in a while. Do you?

    • @alysiahite7086
      @alysiahite7086 17 дней назад

      I use to but then did something that stopped them...and that was...I made a list of everything that he said or did that hurt me. And then the bad dreams stopped and my brain replaced them with good dreams. Try it. It worked for me. 😍🤗🙏

  • @nolap67
    @nolap67 8 дней назад +3

    This is my marriage. Depressing and hopeless.
    'You just want to fight' I hear it everytime I want to discuss an issue.

  • @beverlyfair9361
    @beverlyfair9361 29 дней назад +54

    God is going to deal with him. Be not deceived. God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap Galatians 6:7

  • @MelindaCole-m5l
    @MelindaCole-m5l 15 дней назад +6

    Best emotional reliable interpretation.I have ever found of a narcissistic husband thank you , billy graham

  • @shamier1567
    @shamier1567 10 дней назад +3

    I'm crying bc I opened myself up to accurate I'm so so sad I believed james

  • @ingodwetrust5363
    @ingodwetrust5363 10 дней назад +2

    I am listening to this with emotions about how these words are telling my life story.
    After giving the decree of divorce, that he wanted, he is still cruel and nasty. I tried to be my best in anyway I could. Being hit hurts for awhile. The cruel evil words never go away, the pain is always with you.
    I've learned the hardest way. Don't be me.

  • @burlsink31
    @burlsink31 12 дней назад +29

    My thoughts and prayers are with those who are going through this particular traumatic experience.
    I send love to all of you ❤️

    • @Suzanne-t1l
      @Suzanne-t1l 10 дней назад +1

      Yes! We are healing because of women who have understood and are supporting our growth. Thank you so much 💓

    • @CeciliaMzonda-h9j
      @CeciliaMzonda-h9j 7 дней назад +1


  • @winterj2008
    @winterj2008 28 дней назад +33

    I wish i knew this years ago before i met my ex

  • @Chantayoll85
    @Chantayoll85 5 дней назад +1

    Every word is spot on as I listened I realised it all thank you 🙏

  • @bettyblanton2617
    @bettyblanton2617 17 дней назад +12

    This video is so true I lived this for (59 years !

  • @tammycatron5581
    @tammycatron5581 14 дней назад +9

    That says it all. It’s been 30 years of it. I don’t believe in divorce so I take it but my eyes are open now.

  • @WhiteBirdMustFly2
    @WhiteBirdMustFly2 11 дней назад +2

    Dr. Jeckyll & Mr Hyde… passive aggression over the top, knowledge is key! HG Tudor, knows his kind, better than I had learned about self absorbed, mentally ill people who enter into psychopathy’s realm, as they believe they can one up everything and everyone, with deceit. I do think that they want to take our real empathy, for their own. They are jealous of those who can thrive in the truth, so must punish us.

  • @susiesalazar7325
    @susiesalazar7325 18 дней назад +8

    My daily struggle . I don’t know what’s worse being treated this way or not being able to be the strong women I once was . I have faith in god ! I feel so sad

    • @Greatexpectationministry2024
      @Greatexpectationministry2024 17 дней назад

      I was in the same situation. My husband was very narcissistic. Like you I was a very strong woman before marriage. I ended up weak. I questioned why God is making me go through it. When I looked back I saw all the red flags and even ignored it on my wedding day.😢 I married him anyway. Eventually I pushed through and continued running to God for EVERYTHING. Keep going to God. There’s a video I think you’d benefit from. This explains how we feel perfectly. The video I heard before this was explaining the “why” and how God will get the glory. Let me know if you’d like to see it. God bless you.

    • @violettashalnev3705
      @violettashalnev3705 14 дней назад +1

      I would like to hear it

    • @lindawynegar5937
      @lindawynegar5937 10 дней назад

      I pray for u I m going thru it only married a few months n it's been torture please pray for me

  • @Eleanor-ec8qp
    @Eleanor-ec8qp 5 дней назад

    This is a great video it explains the pain and cruel evil of a narcissistic manipulating husband I escaped many years ago the best decision I ever made im grateful that I took my children away before they were too damaged it has taken the children and myself a long time to recover from the trauma and for them to trust me I’d hope that this disorder will one day be cured my mother was a narcissist and my dad died from a broken heart because of her narcissistic behaviour and as children my brothers and sisters also we all still carry the scars I’m thankful to finally be free and I have a level of happiness that I enjoy I treasure my freedom. And independence

  • @deborahleland8079
    @deborahleland8079 11 дней назад +5

    This is SOO "TRUE"!!!!!!!!!!

  • @elyse2440
    @elyse2440 День назад

    This was how my mother treated me my whole life and my ex-husband. Just look for an opportunity and a window to leave and take it, then never look back! God doesn't want you to stay in abusive relashionships and he says to put no other relashionship above the relationship you have with God. God knows all about the narcissist and he sees you. Don't be afraid of what material things or relashionships you may lose, nothing is worth the cost of losing yourself! Be strong and courageous and put all of your faith in God and he will help you make it through!

  • @heidi8291
    @heidi8291 10 часов назад

    This describes very closely what I lived for 35 years. I'm so deeply thankful that God provided a way of escape even when I didn't know how badly I needed to get out. Thank you so much for sharing these truths. Leaving was the most difficult thing I have ever experienced, but life is so much better now.

  • @myrnaritter4758
    @myrnaritter4758 15 дней назад +3

    For 40 years I was married to the man described here, his method of control was to use God's word to demand & explain my submission. He said he was to be first in all things, if not then we have no marriage.

  • @randaperry3610
    @randaperry3610 20 дней назад +17

    Pray that I have the discernment to see the truth before we get married.

    • @jeanvaux3816
      @jeanvaux3816 18 дней назад +2

      Well, Billy Graham’s message is spot on. All of it. If you resonate with any of it, back away from getting married. Be brave. Run! You’ll be glad later. Narcissistic abuse is craziness and crippling and soul-sucking. You deserve better.

    • @losbrooklyn8861
      @losbrooklyn8861 13 дней назад +2

      All I know is if you gave ANY DOUBTS please listen to that voice & gut, put it off if needed

    • @jeannegerlach7669
      @jeannegerlach7669 9 дней назад +2

      Get out immediately! He will never change!
      I lived for 32 years and thought I was losing my mind! I got when he started to become abusive!

    • @gracem6943
      @gracem6943 8 дней назад

      Run 🏃 don’t look back. Better to be in peace with the Lord.

    • @happyhealthyblessed
      @happyhealthyblessed 4 дня назад +1

      You could ruin the rest of your life if you don’t run. Obviously you are questioning something. Please get out put it off before it’s too late

  • @kd2327
    @kd2327 2 дня назад

    Every. Single. Word. 🙌

  • @ccgal17
    @ccgal17 9 дней назад +1

    This was my life for 12 miserable years. I'm currently going through divorce to get away from the monster I married. It took me by surprise to hear this coming from Rev. Billy Graham, but I'm grateful that he's saying it, and that I wasn't losing my mind all that time. Thank you to my sister in Christ for sharing this with me!

  • @marsha04053
    @marsha04053 5 дней назад +1

    I resonate on this. Its very painful feeling

  • @PatMoulder
    @PatMoulder 20 дней назад +15

    I was in a marriage like this for 30 years. He controlled everything I did I wasn’t allowed to buy anything without his permission. Gaslighting was one of his best control tack ticks. Every word in this sermon describes him.

  • @jazz10169
    @jazz10169 26 дней назад +31

    This is my life 😭😭😭😞🥺married but hides everything from me including not providing finances😭😭😭🛡️🙏🙏🙏l feel so sad and devalued,he gaslights me 😢🤔🔦

    • @DiBrown2024
      @DiBrown2024 21 день назад +2

      That is no way to live 😢

    • @LittleDeha-d4s
      @LittleDeha-d4s 18 дней назад +4

      Don't give up

    • @HangingChad03
      @HangingChad03 17 дней назад +4

      RUN AWAY

    • @Irena-z5n
      @Irena-z5n 11 дней назад +2

      You are not alone😢

    • @Suzanne-t1l
      @Suzanne-t1l 10 дней назад +2

      Let the Lord provide and protect you. You must leave and give your love to yourself. I wore a necklace till it fell off it read "I love you" ❤️ it also had the tree of life. Fear of being unable to care for yourself or children is not to trust our Creator's love for us. Intimacy is not owed to an unloving partner. I love you ❤️ look in the mirror that has that posted. We need a man who has undying faith in the love of God coming through his blessings to you and yours. Your freedom is a gift from the Lord. Take courage 💪 I got free of 118,000.00 and a drunk creepy abusive marriage since "98" in 2016. He has been calling but I am never gonna give him another chance to devalue me !

  • @HarrietKuteesa
    @HarrietKuteesa 19 дней назад +6

    Only God can change a narcissist, have a victim of him, he beat me and instead of apologizing he went around telling everyone how am an evil one, i left him, and he immediately got another woman, he left her, got another one failed also, he is now pleading with me to reconcile with him.
    I pray God saves his soul. Ism done with him

  • @sylviamoodley2505
    @sylviamoodley2505 8 дней назад +1

    Every narcissist behaves in the same manner and every victim experience the same agony..They will never change. Time to get out. I did. Lonely but peaceful..

  • @tqrtre36-cf0
    @tqrtre36-cf0 19 дней назад +5

    I hv narcs in among my relatives and colleagues. My observations: they don’t change for the better. Eventually they grow old miserable, alone, and isolated as the family avoided them.

  • @boguskine1320
    @boguskine1320 9 дней назад +4

    I’ve been married 22 years and still married to this man. The LORD calls me to stay with him because time is short and we have children that need to be sanctified. The LORD says live as if I have no husband and to deny myself, take up my cross, and follow Him/Jesus, and forgive because He/Jesus wants the narcissist’s heart and repentance too. The LORD is good and always right here with me being my Wonderful Counselor and Immanuel. He, the LORD Jesus Christ, gets the glory and He is who He says He is, amen.

    • @maybenot1234
      @maybenot1234 6 дней назад +3

      Thank you for saying this. I, too, feel this way. Eyes on Jesus!

    • @boguskine1320
      @boguskine1320 6 дней назад +1

      🙏🏼 👆🏼

  • @michellemiller7660
    @michellemiller7660 18 дней назад +4

    This was my life also God is freeing me from this now

  • @rosepyatt638
    @rosepyatt638 12 дней назад +3

    I've heard all of these. I'm not in it anymore, thank God.

  • @UnityLove-tj3qg
    @UnityLove-tj3qg 10 дней назад +4


  • @florencemwithaga5767
    @florencemwithaga5767 19 дней назад +7

    This my husband over the years but am exiting

  • @jecalioness8444
    @jecalioness8444 17 дней назад +5

    God will deliver me

  • @brendabrooks395
    @brendabrooks395 22 дня назад +8

    I lived this for 21 yrs. 9 yrs of counseling with no real help. He married the last woman he had an affair with. The pain started all over again.

  • @SusanaFriessen-o8h
    @SusanaFriessen-o8h 11 дней назад +5

    💔💔 this is exactly what I live in 😢

  • @tqrtre36-cf0
    @tqrtre36-cf0 19 дней назад +7

    Wow, BG nailed all the descriptions of a narcissistic men and women. There’s a spectrum, some narcs are way too extreme, but most are somewhere in the middle. They are a pain to those close to them due to their controlling nature, pridefulness, selfishness, blaming, gas lighting, putting down others, telling lies, and self grandiose. To preserve yourself, avoid them as much as possible.

  • @osikomaiyamarykehinde2115
    @osikomaiyamarykehinde2115 12 дней назад +2

    Waaoooh, you have said it all. This submission is more than 100% correct. I have listened to it several times. Thank you so much for sharing this. I love and appreciate you dearly. ❤❤❤

  • @ADkhar-mh7lz
    @ADkhar-mh7lz 2 дня назад

    I'm listening as if he already knows my entire life 😢😢

  • @RebeccaJenkins-c2g
    @RebeccaJenkins-c2g 24 дня назад +9

    No narcissistic husband please and thank you

  • @KaraB-y6p
    @KaraB-y6p 7 дней назад +1

    This was my life to a T. Married to a minister for 25 years.

  • @lindabalent2755
    @lindabalent2755 25 дней назад +6

    Wow! He knew about it! I'm umpressed.

  • @Vega-nx5wx
    @Vega-nx5wx 8 дней назад +1

    I cannot believe this happens like a play book! It’s tiring, I’m exhausted

  • @HarmonyHodari
    @HarmonyHodari 25 дней назад +8

    Totally right,that's my life

  • @susanbeaucage3867
    @susanbeaucage3867 20 дней назад +6

    100% accurate

  • @Hatbox948
    @Hatbox948 16 дней назад +3

    So true! I've lived it.

  • @nezlquasie
    @nezlquasie 5 дней назад

    YES, describing my X to a tee. I Thank God for my years of healing.

  • @PamNiang-yl9pi
    @PamNiang-yl9pi 18 дней назад +2

    This mesage is my life😢😢 my future is in God's hand, every word is exactly my life. Lord save me🙏🙏

  • @Coco-og7zw
    @Coco-og7zw 28 дней назад +30

    If you're in a relationship, and you're seeing ANY of these traits, 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ for your life, and DON'T look back!!!!

  • @anniebeaudry2937
    @anniebeaudry2937 10 дней назад +1

    The consequences can bring diseases in the body! Some even die from this abuse! So , so sad😢😢😢

  • @paulaballetdancer4432
    @paulaballetdancer4432 7 дней назад +1

    Also the profile of a narcissistic wife. And there are a lot of them.

  • @lindawynegar5937
    @lindawynegar5937 10 дней назад +2

    I been married since dec 13 2024 n i own my property n he told at a bday party he would kill me n no 1 would find my body he said hecwould burn my place down hire it done for 50$ he's living in my home n i m not ...I need a miracle I don't have money n he does but I own my property n i m raising my 14 b or old granddaughter pray God removes him from our lives n we return home safely

  • @sicelosetumatoti766
    @sicelosetumatoti766 17 дней назад +2

    The expert is Narrating in simple terms to layman like me- clear, explicit and so informative- this is the best information shared on Internet- so wish even young girls can get access- just to equip themselves. The subtitles make it accessible even for those with disabilities like hearing/deaf. This applies even to unmarried couples too. So wish he can tell how to dodge these abusers even before a woman can get involved with these ABNORMAL PEOPLE because I know it is possible to ATTRACT THESE KIND OF ABNORMAL PEOPLE ALWAYS- so we don’t give in thinking it’s God whatever…to attract them- ending up thinking it’s YOUR TYPE GOD CHOOSES FOR YOU.

  • @eduvijescalvillo584
    @eduvijescalvillo584 20 дней назад +4

    That’s true, thank you for your teaching ❤🙏❤️

  • @dharmachannel4455
    @dharmachannel4455 22 дня назад +4

    A prayer of blessing

  • @brisknclear
    @brisknclear 3 дня назад +1

    Lol. He convinced me how narcissistic I was until I saw this video. Turn out he is the one 😅

  • @Highlyfavored-q5x
    @Highlyfavored-q5x 4 дня назад

    Thank you Lord for saving me 🙏😭

  • @Joynwewin
    @Joynwewin 16 дней назад +6

    This maybe AI because this does not sound like the message from BG. But the symptoms are that of the narcissistic husbands and the feelings are that of the wives. I walked on eggshell. Getting out with help.

    • @beckymartin4213
      @beckymartin4213 6 дней назад

      So weird how they do that. All true but it’s not the evangelist Billy Graham.

  • @MoodyReadingPenguinn
    @MoodyReadingPenguinn 24 дня назад +10

    This is my life right now

    • @annelyseclark3312
      @annelyseclark3312 19 дней назад +1

      Put Jesus first in your life. He is ur husband. Pray and stay in the word as much as u can. God sees ur tears and ur suffering.

    • @HangingChad03
      @HangingChad03 17 дней назад

      RUN AWAY

    • @ADkhar-mh7lz
      @ADkhar-mh7lz 2 дня назад

      ​@@annelyseclark3312sometimes we even forgot God 😢😢

  • @soal3415
    @soal3415 7 дней назад +1

    Listening to my life. Depressing. My oldest son is just like his dad. Born that way as far as I can tell. I tried helping him but it doesn't work. He's not a nrac to me as much as to his wife and she is one also. What a mess that is but...they like it. Not me. She was my second round with a narc. I was healing and doing good. They both lived with me for a few years. He was pretty good to live with but she....omg. after they moved out I did that clutter thing around me. I'm working on getting past that right now. Geeze. Eyes and ears open people!

  • @susanhuffine3834
    @susanhuffine3834 16 дней назад +1

    Wow 😳
    I'm listening to so much that I go through. I'm on my second marriage and #2 started out very loving and helpful. Now after being married 21 years, I tried to get out on my own, but due to our financial situation, I opted on purchasing an older travel trailer to live in. It needs work and I haven't been able to do it on my own physical abilities yet. He says he will help me but always finds something else to do when the day comes. With some help from a friend, he managed to level it so I could work on it, insisted removing the tires even, though I opposed it relentlessly.

  • @AMonikaD
    @AMonikaD 16 дней назад +3

    This is all so heartbreaking !!!
    Mine was like that, and now, that he used me up and shriveled me, he dumped me ! Left me with no way to support myself! What do I do??

    • @wandahodges7311
      @wandahodges7311 14 дней назад +2

      Yep my life right now

    • @AMonikaD
      @AMonikaD 14 дней назад +2

      @wandahodges7311 they are heartless.

  • @bridgettemosley4907
    @bridgettemosley4907 15 дней назад +2

    This is so true

  • @kathymiller2354
    @kathymiller2354 23 дня назад +2

    This is soooo how Carl made me feel but when I realized that it was not true it changed everything in me long story short. I determined to get out of this demonic situation before I ENDED UP BEING HIS VICTIM OF PHYSICAL DEATH . SOME OF OUR FRIENDS AND HIS FAMILY HAVE A HARD TIME BELIEVING THIS ABOUT HIM . I TRULY BELIEVE THIS BECAUSE I MYSELF DIDN'T REALIZED THIS AFTER KNOWING HIM 16 YEARS. (THE FRIST TIME MY SISTER MENT HIM SHE TOLD ME SHE DIDN'T LIKE HIM )

  • @SWTY-lt5mh
    @SWTY-lt5mh 7 дней назад +1

    Felt exactly the way u said and walked away 4days ago and it hurts cz I love him truly but I cdnt take everything no more.
    I feel I can breath better without him and appreciate life and see the beauty around me rather before I was kept in a bubble 🫧 cdnt see anything but him ,hope he realises what he has lost ameen.