No Tas, No Cheats, Done it by Once, 100% Real Skills. Game Player: Mugi Asai Arcade Platform: Got Video Game Game's Difficulty: Hardest Autofire: On No Death
@michaelpf08 Since you've mastered such a huge number of beat them ups, I'd like to know wich ones are the most interesting to play according to you. I think warriors of fate is very repetitive and the fact that enemies and bosses take so much time to die is quite annoying. What are your favorite games and why ?
Loved that game! Kou Chuu is personally my favourite to play due to his ranged attacks! I still need to try and find his moveset or try experimenting it myself... Don't forget the end of each boss battle where they say who they defeated after dealing the "fatal" blow! 39:17 Ah, yes! I remember that item, that's the only long ranged melee weapon that can OHKO any enemy! Shame it can be used for the first area and then discarded...
The game that give you a little 'reward' if you do No Death Run; Those 3 Female Assassin Enemies will congratulate you in the end, if you success with No Death Run. Anyway, good gameplay.
This is the original version, you can also do triple arrows, all you got do is tap attack button super fast. If you have autofire on will be much easier
No Tas, No Cheats
Difficulty: Hardest
Autofire: On
No Death
@michaelpf08 Since you've mastered such a huge number of beat them ups, I'd like to know wich ones are the most interesting to play according to you. I think warriors of fate is very repetitive and the fact that enemies and bosses take so much time to die is quite annoying. What are your favorite games and why ? of my favorite games a long time ago...also...this is my favourite hero
I don’t know why RUclips knows I like this game. Never searched for it here!
그냥 즐겨 병시나
황충으로 클리어 하는 거 오랜만에 봅니다. 재미있게 잘 봤습니다👍
Great game ❤
Great days
Good~! Best~! Great~!
Michael and Kou Chuu in Warriors of Fate ✝️.
Fuckin' good old days 🫡
I thought I was good but after seeing you play I became embarrassed..haha damn u broo👏
The player wasn’t me :)
@@michaelpf08 Thank you for being honest bro, I really appreciate it
Fakkk game lawas jadi nostalgia gilaa
i believe this game was released physically perfectly on Capcom CPS Changer i cant find the videos
Loved that game! Kou Chuu is personally my favourite to play due to his ranged attacks! I still need to try and find his moveset or try experimenting it myself... Don't forget the end of each boss battle where they say who they defeated after dealing the "fatal" blow!
39:17 Ah, yes! I remember that item, that's the only long ranged melee weapon that can OHKO any enemy! Shame it can be used for the first area and then discarded...
Where to find this game nowaday
The game that give you a little 'reward' if you do No Death Run; Those 3 Female Assassin Enemies will congratulate you in the end, if you success with No Death Run. Anyway, good gameplay.
Hong tong he is ghe great warriors
노익장의 대명사 한승 황충!
而且還吃贏張飛 哈哈!~😂
How do I get this game on PC?
Google WolfMame, you’ll find the answer
@michaelpf08 thanks!
Huang Zhong
The full roster is Five Tiger Generals of Shu.
Ps5 have this game a not
Don’t think so
활을 위로쏴야지 아래로 쏘네ㅋㅋ
the original game, only 1 arrow at the time... triple arrows... way too ez to play
This is the original version, you can also do triple arrows, all you got do is tap attack button super fast. If you have autofire on will be much easier
@@michaelpf08 holly... mother, i got it now... even though i tapped so dam hardddd